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New Programme Director Bachelor Computer Science

1 November 2022
Jacopo Urbani has been selected as the new Program Director of the VU Bachelor Computer Science. Jacopo succeeded Dr. Thilo Kielmann, who had been serving as Program Director for the past three years, on September 1, 2022.

Jacopo Urbani is an assistant professor in Computer Science at the VU and a guest researcher at CWI. His research area is at the intersection of AI and data-intensive systems. He leads a research unit which focuses on discovering methods for acquiring and explaining knowledge from large datasets. To this end, he has developed tools which are considered as state-of-the-art in their respective fields, applying either symbolic AI techniques, Machine Learning, or a combination thereof.

Earlier in his career, he wrote a PhD thesis on distributed reasoning algorithms, which was nominated by a committee from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences as one of the best PhD theses in Computer Science in the country. After spending part of his postdoc in USA (Stanford) and Germany (Max Planck Society), he joined the faculty of the VU and has been granted tenure in 2018. For more information, please see