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Mirjam van Praag second term as President of the Executive Board

19 January 2022
The Supervisory Board of VU Amsterdam has reappointed Mirjam van Praag to her role as President of the Executive Board. The second term will start on 1 March 2022.

The Supervisory Board is pleased that Mirjam van Praag is willing to take on a second term as President of the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board greatly appreciates her ambition and drive, her expert knowledge and strategic ability, and the way in which she brings movement and improvement within VU Amsterdam and communicates this to the outside world.

Ron Teerlink, Chair of the Supervisory Board, says about the reappointment: “Mirjam van Praag is an energetic personality who leads our organisation in an inspiring way. She identifies herself with VU Amsterdam with complete conviction and commitment and fights for the interests of our university. We are pleased that she will continue to do so after 1 March 2022.”

Part of the reappointment process was a broad 360-degree feedback round involving deans, directors, representatives of the Works Council (OR) and the University Student Council (USR), the Supervisory Board and the members of the Executive Board. The results of this process support the conclusions of the Supervisory Board and show that the reappointment can count on support. The Joint Assembly (GV) has advised positively on the proposed reappointment decision.