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VU Mother Language Day 29 February 2024 09:00 - 17:30

On Thursday, February 29, 2024, the Mother Language Day will take place at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam).

“On Mother Language Day, we celebrate the richness of stories and perspectives that each language brings. Mastering our mother language is invaluable for understanding and learning other languages. Here at VU Amsterdam, we see diversity, in language and various other forms, as a true enrichment. We cherish it as a source of wisdom and understanding, and I am, of course, immensely proud of it. Or, to speak in my own mother language: En doa bin iech netuurlek oongeluifelek gruuts op!
- Jeroen Geurts, Rector Magnificus VU Amsterdam

On Mother Language Day, VU Amsterdam gives language diversity a place in the diversity canon, alongside diversity in fields, ideas, cultures, nationalities, identities, beliefs, and worldviews. In addition to raising awareness and appreciation of language diversity at VU Amsterdam, this day is also organized to explore issues related to language diversity and initiate the development of a language diversity program.

Language policy
The VU Mother Language Day is organized within the framework of the VU Language Policy. The main goal of this policy is to make existing language diversity an integral part of the social and cultural campus.

> Register now: VU Mother Language Day


1) Voices of VU: which languages do you speak?
Ongoing; throughout the day in the NU building
In a Holobox, you can see and listen to language diversity at VU Amsterdam. Through the stories behind this diversity and their exchange, we get to know and understand each other (even) better.

2) Language Diversity Meeting: added value and issues
Multilingualism at the university: 3:30 - 5:15 pm in the NU building
After the opening by René van Woudenberg, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, VU lecturer and language researcher Petra Bos shares her vision on multilingualism. Following this, American professor Walt Wolfram, a pioneer in language variation, via a video message explains why and how he implemented a language diversity program at North Carolina State University.

Professor of English literature Diederik Oostdijk and VU linguist Laura Rupp lead a panel discussion with four experts after the break. They delve into both language diversity issues and the added value of language diversity. How can we maximize and harness the richness of language diversity? And how can we address challenges related to language diversity?
The panel consists of: Annemarie Nuwenhoud, Head of VU-NT2 Department, Siema Ramdas, Educational Specialist at the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning, 'Mixed Classroom Education Model', Andrew Niemeijer, VU alum and English teacher in secondary education, and a student representative.

The afternoon session is enriched with a musical performance by UNOM (performer Jörgen Gario). In his performance, he combines music genres and various languages, including Dutch, English, and Papiamento. He shows how multilingualism takes shape within one person and how his multilingualism creates solidarity. He does this by exposing others to cultures they may have dealings with but sometimes know little about through his languages.

We conclude the afternoon with a festive reception. A great opportunity to continue informal conversations, exchange experiences, and establish valuable connections. We look forward to toasting together to the power of language diversity.


All day: Holobox in the NU building

3.30 pm: Opening by Dean René van Woudenberg
3.35 pm: Lecture by Petra Bos: Embracing multilingualism
3.50 pm: Musical interlude by Jörgen Gario
4.00 pm: Lecture by Walt Wolfram: Linguistic relevance in higher education
4.20 pm: Panel discussion
4.50 pm: Musical interlude by Jörgen Gario
4.55 pm: Concluding remarks by René van Woudenberg
5.00 pm: Festive networking reception

About VU Mother Language Day

Starting date

  • 29 February 2024


  • 09:00 - 17:30


  • NU-Building, Theater 5


  • De Boelelaan 1111
  • 1081HV Amsterdam


  • Dutch / English