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The role of university CTLs in generative AI 20 June 2024 11:30 - 15:30

The developments around Generative AI are rapid and the impact on education is significant. What is the task of the Centres for Teaching & Learning at Dutch Universities in this development? Educational advisors and trainers will engage in discussion.

Centres for Teaching & Learning of the Dutch Universities play an important role in interpreting this impact and supporting the institutions to formulate policy for this, to make technologies or functions available with IT Services and to develop and disseminate knowledge. They should support faculty and lecturers to concretely translate this knowledge and skills into educational programmes, courses and classes. In this LAUNCELOT meeting, CTL advisors and trainers will discuss what the role for CTLs around the topic of Generative AI is for the next three to five years. How do we fulfill our role in the university? What expertise is needed? What activities should we engage in and how do we do it?  

LAUNCELOT is the National University Network for Centers for Learning and Teaching. 


11:30 - Opening by Jeroen Jansz, Franca Jonquière and Silvester Draaijer

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11:45 – 13:00 – Round 1 – Use cases of applications of generative AI in teaching and learning

Parallel session 1.1 – Educational use cases of privacy compliant generative AI at Erasmus University - Bas Smit (EDIS, Erasmus University)  

The goal of the project PrivateGPT@EUR is to provide a controlled setting for teachers, students  and educational support teams to safely learn about the implications of a chat-gpt functionality in education. The EUR Taskforce Generative AI in Education has done this by introducing the EUR’s version of a ‘ChatGPT’ called ‘Erudite’, which falls within our (privacy)agreement with Microsoft and is cost-effective. Erudite went live on the 8th of January. The first phase of the pilot with 9 use cases was completed in March. The Taskforce concluded that it is valuable to expand the pilot with another dozen use cases. 

During the 20 June Launcelot event, Bas Smit (EDIS) will explain Erudite and share preliminary results from the pilot and will address the questions we received regarding Erudite and what this will mean for CTLs.

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Parallel Session 1.2 – The impact of  generative AI on the pedagogy of legal education - Jan Struiksma, VU Amsterdam 

In the realm of law, generative AI will have a big impact. Prof. Jan Struiksma argues that Law Faculties should now take action to embrace generative AI for teaching and learning. However, in a very specific way. His line of reasoning is that universities should take control in licensing educational materials that can then be directly used by teachers and edtech admins to develop en present generative AI learning environments to their students. The environments must provide controlled error on legal knowledge and use cases that require students to triangulate knowledge and procedures. During tutorials and exams students and staff engage in formative dialogue without any aids stimulating and ensuring cognitive knowledge build-up and assessment.  

During the session Jan Struiksma will expand on his vision and discuss with the audience what this will mean for CTLs. 

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Parallel session 1.3 - Didactic vision: generative AI and the process and learning outcomes of learning to write - Annemarie (Mit) Leuridan, University of Ghent - Session only in Dutch 

Mit Leuridan is a policy officer and teaching assistant in the Department of Educational Quality Assurance at Ghent University. From next academic year, the University will set guidelines at central level for the use of generative AI in writing tasks. Thus, responsible use of generative-AI tools will be allowed for the thesis and responsible use will be encouraged for other (writing) tasks, in preparation for the thesis. 

In this session, Mit discusses the development of this UGent vision and explains the associated communication and professionalisation initiatives. The latter mainly include workshops with accompanying manuals to support courses and teachers in redesigning their writing tasks, in terms of competences and evaluation. 

The implications for the role of CTLs can be discussed. 

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Meeting-id: 362 541 259 511 

Passcode: U5C6i9 

Break 13:00 - 14:00

 14:00 - 15:15 - Session Round 2 - The task for CTLs over the next three-five years

Sessionround 2 - 14:00 - 14:45 & 14:45 - 15:15 -  What vision do we share? & What materials should we develop or can we share? 

What is the role of CTLs around the theme of Generative AI in Education for the next three to five years. Do we have a shared vision? How do we fulfill our role in the university? What expertise is needed and how much? What activities should we undertake and how do we do them? What activities should we bestow? 

During this session, the first part will be discussion based on statements. In the second part, we will collectively identify materials that CTLs can use from each other to properly assume their duties and roles. 

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Sign up

Register in advance via this registration link for the online programme on June 20.

  • 11:30 am – 11:45 am – Opening - Jeroen Jansz and Franca Jonquière 
  • 11:45 am – 1:00 pm – Round 1 – The impact of generative AI on didactics and assessment: What do we know now? Where is it heading?
  • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Break
  • 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm – Round 2 – The task for CTLs for the next three to five years
  • 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm – Plenary Closing - Jeroen Jansz and Franca Jonquière 

About The role of university CTLs in generative AI

Starting date

  • 20 June 2024


  • 11:30 - 15:30


  • Dutch

LAUNCELOT MEETING: the role of CTLs in generative AI in education

June 20, 2024, ONLINE

Sign up