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Changing rooms and showers

Last updated on 18 April 2024
Changing rooms and showers are available for VU employees in various VU buildings.

Employees can use the changing rooms/showers during the opening hours of the building. 

Overview of the rooms on the VU Campus

  • Main building HG-KC29 (general)
  • MF building -DK18d (general
  • MF building - MF-G027a (women) en MFG027b (men)*
  • Transitorium K2D-21d (general)
  • New University Building 0A-T5 (women) and 0A-T4 (men)

* Accessible between 8:30 - 17:00 

Request access

  • Employees use the Service Portal for extension of the functions on your staff pass. 
  • Are you not employed by VU Amsterdam and/or not in possession of a VUnet ID? Please use the External Service Portal


  • Lockers are available in and near the changing and shower rooms in the Main Building, Transitorium and New University Building to temporarily store your belongings when you change or shower.
  • A limited number of lockers are available to store your cycling clothes and personal belongings.
  • If you often come by bike, you can ask the hostess at the main entrance for a key to a locker. We register the key by name and monitor the use of the locker.
  • A few times a year, we empty the lockers. We communicate this on the lockers.