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Learn all about the power of Students as Teachers

Do you want to involve students as teachers in your education? Or are you already doing so, but wondering if it can be improved? In the training 'Working with Students as Teachers,' you will learn all about the power of Students as Teachers (SATs) and what it takes to help them thrive.

The central focus is on the didactic and pedagogical value of near-peer teaching (all forms of teaching tasks by students who are ahead) for academic education. We delve into the tasks that SATs can fulfill and the responsibilities they can shoulder. We also pay attention to the importance and content of guidance and training, as well as the practical implications regarding selection and employment.

The strength of near-peer teaching is highlighted through recent theoretical developments and inspiring best practices both domestically and internationally. Additionally, this training provides ample space for the input of questions or dilemmas regarding the collaboration with Students as Teachers. After completing this training, you can immediately start working with your student colleagues.

This training was developed in collaboration with experts from the nationwide StuKO project and the Students as Partners movement at the VU.

For whom?
For teachers, educational directors, program directors, and anyone who wants to collaborate with Students as Teachers.

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  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing