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Learn all about the power of Students as Teachers

Practical information about the training Working with Students as Teachers.

Duration and investment
The training consists of one session of 3,5 hours.

Date and time
This training takes place on Thursday, September 19, 13:30 – 17:00 or Thursday, November 21, 13:30 – 17:00.

Costs (2024/2025)
If you are a VU employee, part of this programme cost will be covered through the Reward and Recognition programme. You will need to provide a contribution of 150 euros. You can check on this page if you are eligible for reimbursement.
External participants pay the full price of 275 euros.

You sign up with this registration form. You will receive an email confirmation. You will receive further information shortly before the start of the course.

Please note that we have two places available for external participants. We have a waiting list and will let you know when places are available for you.

VU Amsterdam

Contact en informatie
Do you have questions or do you want to learn more about this training? Send an email to the trainer, Klaas de Zwaan (

Bespoke programme
This course is also offered as a bespoke programme. For more information, contact

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Do you have questions about this course?

Please contact Laura Arnesano via


  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing