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Present with techniques from stage artists!

Read all practical information relevant to Theatre Skills here.

Number and duration of meetings  
3 sessions of 3 hours

Dates and time
11, 18 and 25 March 2025 from 13:30 - 16:30.

Jurriaan Kamp

Study load hours
11 hours

VU Centre for Teaching & Learning
New University building, 6th floor, A-wing
De Boelelaan 1111 | 1081 HV Amsterdam

Cost (2024/2025)
If you are a VU employee, part of this programme cost will be covered through the Reward and Recognition programme. You will need to provide a contribution of 150 euros. You can check on this page if you are eligible for reimbursement.
Cost for employees of other Dutch universities is 825 euros.

You can register through the online application form

Please note that we have two seats available for external participants. We do have a waiting list and will notify you if we have seats available for you.

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Please contact Laura Arnesano via


  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing