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Onderwijs route Language and Preparatory Program Amsterdam

Language and Preparatory Program Amsterdam

The Language and Preparatory Program is for status holders who will integrate into the Netherlands from 1 January 2022.

Integration is done through the municipality where you live
When you start civic integration, the municipality invites you for an interview. You will take a Learning Ability Test (LBT). Then the client supervisor of the municipality will make a personal plan for integration and participation (PIP) together with you. This plan states what you have to do to integrate and the arrangements for your integration route. There are 3 integration routes: the zelfredzaamheidsroute (self-reliance) route, the B1-route and the onderwijs (education) route.

Have you been advised the onderwijs (education) route by the municipality?
If so, you can join the Taalschakeltraject Amsterdam of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA). During the onderwijs (education) route you prepare yourself for a continuation education in mbo, hbo or wo.

What do you learn during the onderwijs (education) route?
You learn Dutch, English and subjects like history, mathematics and physics. To prepare you as well as possible for your next study, we offer you customization and personal guidance. It is meant to give you a good start in the Netherlands. To study successfully and then do work that suits you. With our education we contribute to equal opportunities for everyone, wherever you were born, whatever background you have.

Applying for the TSA onderwijs (education) route
Citizens can apply through their municipality's client supervisor. Family migrants can apply on their own.

Curriculum onderwijs (education) route

Are you a newcomer and eligible for the onderwijs (education) route?

Then the municipality's customer manager will register you. The email address is only for questions, for example, if you are a family migrant.

Send an e-mail to