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A rich and inspirational leadership programme

Building Strong Teams in Research for Senior Researchers

The results of the programme Building strong teams in research.

Participation in this program can help you:
- Building blocks for an optimal working atmosphere in your team
- Awareness of what it takes to increase team motivation
- Handholding opportunities to work effectively together on the quality of research
- More peace and effectiveness in your role as leader

Former participants of this program have shared reactions such as:
“The tasks during the intake session, for me, were immediate food for thought.”
“What a pleasant, open atmosphere in this group! I have learned a lot from these sessions.”
“I experience this sessions as a retreat from my hectic working existence.”
“It was wonderful to be able to learn about leadership while preparing for my new leadership role!”

More about this programme

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Frequently visited courses: UTQSTQEducational Leadership
Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

Do you have questions about this course?

Please contact Laura Arnesano via


  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing