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A rich and inspirational leadership programme

Building Strong Teams in Research for Senior Researchers

Do you lead a team of (junior and senior) researchers? How do you motivate your team members to work together? What are the preconditions for pleasant and effective team cooperation? Shared responsibility, that sounds good, but how do you create it? How do you 'as a leader' give space to others and yet remain in charge?

These (and many others) are the questions we will dwell on in the leadership programme “Building strong teams in research”, an inspirational and hands-on program to support your development of leadership and team building skills. The programme focuses on the combination of leadership and team development in an research context.

Through knowledge development, awareness and practical application, you will build your teaching team during this programme, creating a stronger team spirit and shared responsibility for great education. In addition, you will take a new step in the area of your own leadership development.

For whom?

This course is for Senior Researchers (UD, UHD, Professor) working in higher education in the Netherlands who lead a team (or have delegated responsibility to lead a team) in the context of a research project or line of research.

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Frequently visited courses: UTQSTQEducational Leadership
Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

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Please contact Laura Arnesano via


  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing