Current leadership topics
Guided by topics that stimulate efficacy and engagement within a team, participants develop and apply knowledge and create further awareness. Topics to be discussed are (amongst others): motivation, meaningfulness, safety, recognition & appreciation, autonomy, development, and relatedness. These topics have emerged in current literature about leadership, such as ‘Care to dare’ by prof. dr. George Kohlrieser and ‘Servant Leadership’ by dr. Inge Nuijten.
7 short and powerful sessions
After the intake session, the program consists of 7 short & powerful half-day sessions that take place in a location at VU Amsterdam. The programme is spread over 10 months, thus granting participants the time and space to apply insights and learnings into practice despite their full calendars.
This programme is facilitated by Jaro Pichel and Kerstin Hämmerling, leadership coach and trainer at the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning.
More about this programme
Dates and registration
A rich and inspirational leadership programme
Your current situation with your team is the starting point of this course.
Jaro Pichel

Kerstin Hämmerling

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