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Try Out Class

Twice a year your will be invited to choose your honours interfaculty courses. To support you in making a good selection, we organise a Try Out Class (TOC) prior to the start of each next semester. During this event you can orient yourself on all interfaculty courses on offer by the UvA and VU, and some AUC courses.

The TOC is a fun, entertaining and inspiring event with lively presentations and an information market where you can meet the coordinators. During the days following this event, you can apply for placement in courses of your preference by submitting the online course application

Programme application
Are you a first-year student and interested to participate in the VU Honours Programme? See the Honours Programme application page for more details. Application deadline is 1 May.

For more information, please scroll down on this page or browse the subject tiles on the homepage


Check all details about Sem 1 courses & the link to the course application form on the TOC event page.

*** MORE INFO ***

VU Honours Programme Team

The central VU Honours Programme Team consists of Eva Meijerink (coordinator VU Honours Programme), Joke Verwers and Gemma van der Wal (staff members VU Honours Programme). We organise and manage the VU Honours Programme.

Eva Meijerink

Coordinator Honours Programme

Portrait Eva Meijerink

Joke Verwers

Staff member Honours Programme (course placement, registration, grade registration, etc.)

Picture Joke Verwers, photographer: Peter Valckx

Gemma van der Wal

Staff member Honours Programme (communication, events, website, course evaluations)