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Course Application

Honours students follow two types of courses: faculty courses at their own faculty and interfaculty courses at VU, UvA or AUC. On this page we inform you how to apply for the interfaculty courses.

During your VU Honours Programme you follow 2 or 3 interfaculty courses (equalling 12 or 18 EC). Prior to the start of each semester you will be invited to apply for new courses. 

To support you in making a good selection, we organise a Try Out Class (TOC). During this event you can orient yourself on all interfaculty courses on offer by the UvA and VU, and some AUC courses.

The next TOC will take place in November at the UvA. More details will follow on this web page. 

Please also read carefully the VU application instructions below for more details! 


Check all details about Sem 1 courses & the link to the course application form on the TOC event page.

*** MORE INFO ***

Applying for honours courses

  • Applying for Interfaculty courses

    In the days following the TOC you can select your interfaculty courses of preference through an online application form. Within a few weeks after your application you will be informed for which course(s) you have been registered.

    • You can apply for placement in the interfaculty honours courses of VU, UvA and AUC in June and December.
    • Placement in courses will be at random and not on a first come, first served basis. 
    • You will be informed about your placement(s) in courses at UvA and VU within a few weeks after we receive your course application request.
    • When choosing a course, check for overlap in scheduling with your other courses. After having been placed in your preferred course, the lecturer and administration of the Honours Programme assume you can be physically present during the scheduled hours.
      Potential replacement in a different course is only possible in honours courses at VU, and only if they have remaining places available.
    • You are expected to provide valid reasons should you have to miss a lecture or workgroup. In case of absence from two or more lectures and/or workgroups, additional tasks can be assigned, or further participation in the programme can be denied. This is up to the lecturer. 
  • Applying for Faculty courses

    For all information about faculty courses, please go to your faculty honours webpage.

Instructions to apply for Interfaculty Courses

  • How to apply for placement in interfaculty honours courses

    You can apply for placement in interfaculty honours courses twice a year, in June and in Decembers, following the Try Out Class. This can be done through an online course application form.

  • Instructions course application form

    On the course application form you must select your first, second, third and fourth course of your choice (with the first being your most preferred course, and so on). We will place you in one of the courses of your choice. 

    Please note:

    • Your first and second courses of preference are free of choice (this can be courses at VU, UvA or AUC). Your third and fourth choice will have to be courses at VU. So, if you are interested in taking an honours course at UvA and/or at AUC, you will have to list the course(s) as number one and/or two of preference.
    • You can take a maximum of 12 credits of interfaculty courses per semester. Since places are limited, we will not be able to honour all requests for placement in two courses.
    • Consider carefully before applying for two courses (12 EC) whether you expect to be able to carry this extra load on top of your regular programme. When you are placed in two courses we do expect you to attend in both.
    • To participate in an AUC course there will be a selection based on a grade/course list and a list of bachelor courses you are currently enrolled in (which you will both have to upload together with the application form). Please note that AUC courses take place during the day.
    • To participate in an UvA course, you need to be registered in the UvA system. This is only possible when you have completed your VU re-enrollment for the next academic year.
  • IMPORTANT Avoid cancelling your participation in a course

    After having been placed in a course, the lecturer and administration of the Honours Progamme assume you will participate in the course. Cancelling your participation can cause issues for your own planning, the course lecturer, your fellow students and our administration. Therefore take note of the following:

    • When you wish to cancel your participation in a course after placement, you need to provide your reason for doing so. Valid reasons are:
        • Cases of force majeure (e.g. long-lasting illness);
        • Special personal circumstances (e.g. family issues or accidents that caused injury);
        • Unforeseen overlap in scheduling.
    • Potential replacement in a different course is only possible in honours courses at VU, and only if they have remaining places available. Note: potential replacement can only be arranged until two weeks before the start of the replacement course.
    • We reserve the right to not offer you replacement in a different honours course.
    • If you missed the application deadline for placement in interfaculty honours courses, we can no longer guarantee you placement in one of these courses.

How to plan your Honours Programme

VU Honours Programme Team

The central VU Honours Programme Team consists of Eva Meijerink (coordinator VU Honours Programme), Joke Verwers and Gemma van der Wal (staff members VU Honours Programme). We organise and manage the VU Honours Programme.

Eva Meijerink

Coordinator Honours Programme

Portrait Eva Meijerink

Joke Verwers

Staff member Honours Programme (course placement, registration, grade registration, etc.)

Picture Joke Verwers, photographer: Peter Valckx

Gemma van der Wal

Staff member Honours Programme (communication, events, website, course evaluations)