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Honours Programme

Are you a motivated bachelor student who is ready for a challenge? Do you want to shape your degree to suit your own ambitions and interests? In the VU Honours Programme you follow specially designed extracurricular interdisciplinary courses and meet like-minded peers!

Broaden and deepen your knowledge and skills
As an honours student you follow extra courses on top of your regular studies during your second and third bachelor year. To broaden your knowledge and skills, you choose from over 40 interdisciplinary courses at other faculties within VU, UvA or AUC. But that’s not all: to deepen your knowledge and skills, you can also take extra courses within your own faculty, extend your bachelor thesis and/or conduct research. 

Sounds like the perfect challenge for you?
Check out the Honours Programme Explained page for more details and join an Honours Programme information session in October or March. See the announcement in the blue banner below.  

Ready to apply ?

The Honours Programme application deadline is 1 May 2025. Or, if you want to try out an honours course during the second semester of your first bachelor year, you need to apply for a provisional entry before 15 November. We highly recommend this option! Want to know more, join our information session on 23 October

For more information
Scroll down this page and browse the subjects to learn everything you need to know about the VU Honours Programme. 

Honours Programme Information Session 23 October

Are you excited to know more about the VU Honours Programme? Join our information session!


Browse the subjects below to learn everything you need to know about the VU Honours Programme!

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