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Professionalising by using the Mixed Classroom model

Our student population is increasing in diversity. We believe in the value of that diversity. That’s why we developed the VU Mixed Classroom Education Model: an educational strategy that helps you to offer the best-possible, inclusive learning environment to all your students.

The value of diversity
It’s important for both teachers and students to learn to take optimum advantage of differences. It broadens the learning process, enriches the learning experience and improves the quality of teaching.

Interested in learning how to take advantage of the value of diversity? If so, take part in one of our free Mixed Classroom workshops. You can also come to us for curriculum advice in this area.

VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model in Blended Education
For more information on the Mixed Classroom Model please visit the webpage of the VU Mixed Classroom.
The aim of the Mixed Classroom Educational Model is to improve our education at VU Amsterdam, in order to pursue our educational goals. However, to continue to do so when all educational activities take place online is a new and an unprecedented challenge for everyone involved. In order to support teachers who have enthusiastically embraced this model, or were just starting to be curious, we have extended the strategies and learning activities in the Mixed Classroom Educational Model in Blended Learning (.pdf) to work in the present situation of blended education.

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Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

Do you want to ask a question? Please contact Carin Weitering, Higher Education Student Affairs, at
You can also call us on +31 (0)20 598 4263.


Carin Weitering