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Discover the history of health and medicine

History: Medical and Health Humanities

This programme is a specialisation within the Master’s degree programme in History, which trains students to become professional historians with specialised knowledge and transferable skills such as writing, presenting and analytical skills.

Your training within the fields of medical history and health humanities offer a good starting position for a career in the field of applied science, musea or education. Our alumni also work in public and private organizations that are in active in the broader field of health and medicine.

With a master’s title in History you can embark on PhD research at a university or research institute. If you aim at an academic career you could also consider following the two-year research master’s degree course in History. This master’s degree course trains you specifically as a (university) researcher.

What can you do after your Master's degree?

Entering the job market

A master’s degree in History make you an attractive employment prospect because you have broad-based knowledge and have developed an analytical way of reading and writing. Among other areas you could work for government institutions, business or international institutions. Many historians do not enter the business world but go into politics or journalism. In addition, after a further specialised year of master’s courses, you could find a position in teaching or research. 

Opting for an academic career

With a master’s title in History you can embark on PhD research at a university or research institute. If you aim at an academic career you could also consider following the two-year research master’s degree course in History. This master’s degree course trains you specifically as a (university) researcher.

Want to apply for Medical and Health Humanities?

Check the admission requirements

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