"So, I just gave it a try. I sent the admissions committee a well-argued document, and I was accepted into the pre-Master’s in History."
Source to Public
After completing the pre-Master’s, Timo is now following the Master’s programme. “The first period was really an introductory one, with the course Source to Public. This course focuses on all stages of historical research using five monographs from five different historical fields. This way, you get introduced to different lecturers. In the end, you choose one book, about which you complete further assignments. The lectures are given by lecturers specialised in the field.”
A second subject focused on slavery. “It was very research-oriented and concentrated on developing your research skills, particularly working with historical sources. I conducted research on prisons in colonial Suriname, paying attention not only to their locations but also to how they were used and the role they played within the colonial system.”
Habsburg Empire
Timo’s family originally comes from Vienna, so when he had the opportunity to delve into the political history of the Habsburg Empire, he seized it with both hands. "My final project for the pre-master's was about architecture during the reign of Charles VI. Charles tried to unite the Spanish and Austrian parts of the Habsburg Empire. He lost that battle. But he attempted to show through architecture that he was indeed the ruler. For example, the Spanish Riding School in Vienna was created during his reign.”
The Smartest Person
Timo is going to do a three-month full-time internship with the editorial team of The Smartest Person. “I’ve always wanted to work in the media, and I’m a huge fan of the programme. This internship is a great opportunity to see if I like editorial work, and I can draw on both my law and history knowledge.”
Why History?
So why did he choose history rather than a journalistic degree? "History just appeals to me more, and I’ve really learned some fascinating things. I wrote my Bachelor’s thesis on the Batavian Republic, the first parliament of the Netherlands. It connected nicely with my law background. I’m really glad I chose history."
Surprising Specialisations
“I’ve developed some surprising specialisations, like the Habsburg Empire. I’ve always been interested in it, but I didn’t know I could specialise in it in this way. I’m probably going to write my thesis on it. There’s a fantastic lecturer for this specialisation, so I’m really looking forward to it."