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Training the curators of the future

Are you looking for both academic and practical taining to become a professional curator? Do you have a Bachelor’s degree in Art History, Cultural Studies, History or MKDA?

Then the Dual Master’s in Curating Art and Cultures may be the programme for you. Check whether you meet the admission requirements and find out how to apply.

The deadline of application to the program Curating Art and Cultures is 15 March.

Please note: only students holding a Dutch/EU nationality can apply to this programme (due to visa restrictions).

The dual master's CAC is a CROHO-accredited programme with a size of 120 credits, half of which are funded by the government. This may affect your study funding. There is a possibility for additional financial support through the Profileringsfonds (Profile Fund): see Specific situations (part 2)), but you should bear in mind that any relief from the fund is only granted after the end of the academic year.

Contact your study advisor to discuss how to submit a request to the fund.

Check whether you meet the programme requirements and apply

  • I have a Dutch university level (WO) Bachelor’s degree (VU Bachelor’s degree, VU pre-master's or Bachelor’s degree at another university)

    The Master's programme in Curating Art and Cultures is open for application to students with a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in:

    • Art History,
    • Cultural Studies,
    • History, and
    • VU Bachelor Media, Kunst, Design en Architectuur (MKDA),

    or an equivalent humanities Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of one full semester (30EC) in one of these disciplines, or the history of design or fashion (e.g. a minor).  

    For the specialisation Curating Art and Cultures we recommend in addition that you have followed courses in museum or curatorial studies (6 EC), and/or to have done a relevant internship (minimum of 3 EC).

    The program is not open to those with a higher vocational/professional degree or from a university of applied sciences (Dutch ‘HBO’), including art and technical academies, a degree from a faculty of social sciences (e.g. Sociology, Anthropology), or those with management or business degrees (e.g. in culture or heritage management).

    Grade average
    If you wish to apply for a Dual Master's in Curating Art and Cultures, you are expected to have an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least:

    • 7.0 (Dutch educational system)
    • B/3.3 (American system)
    • 2.1 (an upper second class degree in the British system)
    • C (ECTS-system)

    Please note that admission will not be granted solely on the basis of sufficient grade point average.

    Dutch Language requirements

    The internship at a Netherlands-based museum or cultural institution is an integral component of the programme. Non-native students are recommended take a Dutch course during the first six months of the programme and in order to obtain an A1 or A2 certificate before commencing the internship. Please note that there are a limited number of English-only internships.

    Due to the limited number of internship placements, applicants must first undergo a two-round selection procedure before being admitted.

    English Language requirements

    You must always present official test results proving your proficiency in English. You can apply online without having the test results, but in case you haven’t taken a test yet we advise you to plan a test date as soon as possible. The qualification or test result must have been awarded no more than two years prior to the proposed date of enrolment. Below you will find the minimum English test scores for the English taught programmes at the Faculty of Humanities.

    An applicant should demonstrate that he or she has sufficient level of proficiency in English by meeting at least one of the following standards, no more than two (2) years before the start of the programme at VU Amsterdam:

    • (academic) IELTS: 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 on each item;
      Note: the IELTS Online Academic and the online IELTS Indicator tests are not accepted.
    • TOEFL paper based test: 600, with a minimum of 55 on each component and 4.0 in TWE;
      Note: TOEFL ITP tests are not accepted
    • TOEFL internet based test: 100, with a minimum of 20-23 on each component.
      Note: TOEFL Essentials and TOEFL iBT Home Edition are not accepted. MyBestScore is also not accepted.

    The TOEFL ITP will not be accepted

    Applicants who:

    • completed an English-taught secondary or higher education degree in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand or Australia or - have earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in an English-taught programme accredited by NVAO in the Netherlands, or
    • have earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in an accredited English-taught programme in another member state of the European Union, or
    • have a Dutch VWO diploma, or
    • have obtained a Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) or a Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) with a score of A, B, C are exempted from the above requirements

    Selection Procedure

    The Dual Master’s in Curating Art and Cultures is a competitive and professional programme that includes a year-long curatorial internship. Due to the limited number of internship placements, applicants must first undergo a two-round selection procedure before being admitted. During the process, the selections committee scrutinises the content of an applicant’s Bachelor’s programme, their study results and motivation letter, as well as social skills.

    In the first round of the selection procedure, a student’s application will be evaluated by a selection committee comprising the programme coordinators from VU Amsterdam and the UvA, as well as additional academic staff. Applicants who have reached the second round will be asked to write an opinion piece regarding one of the participating museums or cultural institutions. Applicants progressing through to the final round will be invited for an interview with the coordinators and curators. Students will be informed of the final application decision by May 15th.

    The deadline of application to the program Curating Art and Cultures is 15 March.

  • I have a Dutch higher vocational education (HBO) Bachelor’s degree (pre-master's)

    Students with a higher professional education qualification cannot proceed directly to the Master’s programme in Curating Art and Cultures. There is no pre-master's available for this programme.

  • Application with a Dutch degree

    If you want to apply for and enrol in a Master's programme at VU Amsterdam, the procedure you need to follow depends on your prior education and whether you obtained your diploma in the Netherlands or abroad.

    Please first check whether or not you are eligible for this programme and then apply.

    Please note: only students holding a Dutch/EU nationality can apply to this programme.

    Dutch students can apply via Studielink before 15 March for the Dual Master’s programme in Curating Art and Cultures under the label Curating Art and Cultures (master).

    If you have a Dutch diploma, follow this application procedure.

    Prepare documents and apply online

    After you have applied for the Master’s programme in Studielink, you will receive two emails with your login details for your personal dashboard on Please complete your application in in your personal dashboard.

    In your personal dashboard you are required to upload an Application File. Please download the correct file from this page. In this file you can see which documents are required to apply for your programme.

    Due to the limited number of internship placements, applicants must first undergo a two-round selection procedure before being admitted. Read more about this process in the section 'I have a Dutch university level (...)'.

  • I have an international degree

    The Master's programme in Curating Art and Cultures is open for application to students with a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in:

    • Art History,
    • Cultural Studies,
    • History, and
    • VU Bachelor Media, Kunst, Design en Architectuur (MKDA),

    or an equivalent humanities Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of one full semester (30EC) in one of these disciplines, or the history of design or fashion (e.g. a minor).  

    For the specialisation Curating Art and Cultures we recommend in addition that you have followed courses in museum or curatorial studies (6 EC), and/or to have done a relevant internship (minimum of 3 EC).

    The program is not open to those with a higher vocational/professional degree or from a university of applied sciences (Dutch ‘HBO’), including art and technical academies, a degree from a faculty of social sciences (e.g. Sociology, Anthropology), or those with management or business degrees (e.g. in culture or heritage management).

    Grade average

    If you wish to apply for a Dual Master's in Curating Art and Cultures, you are expected to have an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least:

    • B/3.3 (American system)
    • 2.1 (an upper second class degree in the British system)
    • C (ECTS-system)

    Please note that admission will not be granted solely on the basis of sufficient grade point average.

    Language requirements

    Dutch language requirements
    The internship at a Netherlands-based museum or cultural institution is an integral component of the programme. Non-native students are recommended take a Dutch course during the first six months of the programme and in order to obtain an A1 or A2 certificate before commencing the internship. Please note that there are a limited number of English-only internships.

    Due to the limited number of internship placements, applicants must first undergo a two-round selection procedure before being admitted.

    English language requirements

    If you are applying for one of our English-taught Master's degree programmes you will have to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency by submitting English test results.  

    Although complete applications are preferred, you can begin your application before you have completed the test and then submit your passing score once you have been conditionally admitted. 

    You can find an overview of all accepted tests and scores that can be used to demonstrate your English language proficiency on the language requirement page

    Selection Procedure

    The Dual Master’s in Curating Art and Cultures is a competitive and professional programme that includes a year-long curatorial internship. Due to the limited number of internship placements, applicants must first undergo a two-round selection procedure before being admitted. During the process, the selections committee scrutinises the content of an applicant’s Bachelor’s programme, their study results and motivation letter, as well as social skills.

    In the first round of the selection procedure, a student’s application will be evaluated by a selection committee comprising the programme coordinators from VU Amsterdam and the UvA, as well as additional academic staff. Applicants who have reached the second round will be asked to write an opinion piece regarding one of the participating museums or cultural institutions. Applicants progressing through to the final round will be invited for an interview with the coordinators and curators. Students will be informed of the final application decision by May 15th.

    The deadline of application to the program Curating Art and Cultures is 15 March.

  • Application with an international degree

    Required format and required documents

    Please note: you will need to upload all required documents in one PDF file.
    You can download this Master Application File from this page. In it you can also see which documents are required to apply for your programme. 

    If you have read the admission criteria and feel you are eligible for admission, please take the following steps to submit your application. Note that the initial application procedure is fully online and that scans of your original documents are required.

    Please note: only students holding a Dutch/EU nationality can apply to this programme.

    The application deadline is 15 March.

    Step 1: Review the admission criteria

    Step 2: Prepare your documents and apply online  

    Your application for the Master's programme Curating Art and Cultures should contain the following documents.

    • motivation letter
    • cv
    • Bachelor's diploma or a certified list of completed bachelor courses (including grades) as well as a list of courses you still have to complete
    • average grade of your bachelor

    Due to the limited number of internship placements, applicants must first undergo a two-round selection procedure before being admitted. Read more about this process in the section 'I have an international degree'.

    Please prepare the required documents and arrange the payment of the application fee, a non-refundable €100 application fee applies. You can find an explanation of each document on the application page. All documents should be provided in English.

    After preparing the required documents, please follow the online application procedure. Once you have completed the application, our international student advisors will contact you via email.

    Step 3: Await the decision on admission
    The selection procedure will take place in April/May. Students will be informed of the final application decision by May 15th. If you are admitted to the programme, you will receive a letter of conditional admission by email. 

    Step 4: Finalise your registration!
    Make sure to finalise your registration as a student before the start of the programme. Here you will find an explanation on what to do after you are admitted. When all of the conditions are met, you will be ready to start your programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam!

    Application fee & deadlines

    All students seeking admission to an international Bachelor’s or Master’s programme with an international degree are required to pay a non-refundable €100 application fee. Only after you have paid this fee will we be able to start the evaluation of your application file. If you are applying for more than one programme, you will only need to pay the application fee once. Your application fee payment is valid for two years.

    Information on how to apply with an international university degree and deadlines can be found here.
    For more information, international students may also contact the International Student Advisor:

    Grants and scholarships

    As an international student planning to study at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, you can apply for a variety of grants and bursaries. Detailed information about scholarships and deadlines can be found on or

    International Student and Alumni Ambassadors

    Our International Student and Alumni Ambassadors are happy to tell you all about their experiences with studying at VU Amsterdam and living in Amsterdam.

    • Our Student Ambassadors are current students at VU Amsterdam that represent a wide variety of programmes and countries.
    • Our International Alumni Ambassadors are VU Amsterdam graduates who are currently either working in the Netherlands or abroad, or doing a PhD or (second) Master's.

    You will find the full overview of our Ambassadors here: There you can chat with them directly.

Want to know more?

Don't hesitate to contact us!

You can contact programme coordinator dr. Ingrid Vermeulen for questions about the programme. E-mail:

If you are applying with a Dutch diploma, please can contact the Educational Office of the Faculty of Humanities for questions and practical information:

Are you applying with a non-Dutch diploma? Then you can contact the International Student Advisors of the Faculty of Humanities, Marko Jovic and Nina Vredegoor at for questions about the application procedure and admission requirements.

Phone number dr. Ingrid Vermeulen: +31 (0)205986578. International students are also welcome to call the International Student Advisor of the Faculty of Humanities, Irena Paap: +31 20 598 5252.