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Studying organizations from a cultural perspective

Do you have the empathy to build relationships with people, but the distance to take a critical perspective? Do you have the social skills to work in the field, as well as the technical skills to analyse the data? And do you have a Bachelor’s degree in humanities, psychology, anthropology, public administration, organisation science or an economics or management discipline?

Then the Culture, Organization and Management programme is for you. 

Candidates with a degree in a related scientific Bachelor's programme (BSc) are directly admissible to the Master's programme in Culture, Organization and Management. This also applies to candidates who -regardless of their Bachelor's (BSc) programme- have completed a minor of 30 EC in the field of this Master's programme.

All candidates with an academic Bachelor's (of science) or Master’s programme that is not content-related to the Master’s programme in COM, must complete a bridging programme. The exact content and scope of this bridging programme depends on the Bachelor's or Master's programme already completed. The bridging programme includes one or more academic courses in the field of methods & techniques of social scientific research (quantitative and/or qualitative) and at least one academic course that relates to the subject content of the Master's programme in COM.

Check whether you meet the admission requirements and apply

  • I have a Dutch university level (WO) Bachelor’s degree

    To successfully follow the Master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management (COM), you need to have sufficient knowledge of qualitative research methods and insight into the field of organization sciences at the level and load of an academic Social Science Bachelor’s programme.

    Direct admission

    You are directly admissible to the Master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management (COM) with one of the following Bachelor’s degrees:

    • Business Administration
    • Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
    • Management and Organisation Science
    • Organisation Studies
    • Political Science
    • Psychology track Social- or Work and Organisational Psychology*
      *please add proof of the track you follow(ed) to your VU Dashboard
    • Sociology

    Furthermore you are admissible to the Master’s programme in COM with any Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree including a minor programme in organization sciences, such as the VU FSS Minor Bestuurswetenschap (30 EC) or the Minor Organisatiewetenschap (30 EC).

    Conditional admission

    You are admissible to the Master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management (COM) with other academic Bachelor's or Master's programmes after finishing a bridging programme of max. 30 EC.
    Depending on the degree you are finishing, this bridging programme consists of academic courses in the field of (quantitative and/or qualitative) methods and techniques of social scientific research (minimum 12 EC) and/or academic courses in the field of organisation science  (minimum of 6 EC).

    The Admissions Committee of the Master's programme in COM will determine which additional courses you will have to take. These courses can be taken at any Dutch university, but you can also choose to take them at FSS-VU.

    At FSS-VU the following relevant courses are offered in the field of methods and techniques of social scientific research:

    • Social Research Methodology (S_SRM): introduction to the process of social scientific research, including its key methods (qualitative and quantitative) and approaches (interpretative vs positivist).
    • Ethnographic Research Methodology (S_ERM)
    • Methoden en technieken van kwalitatief onderzoek (S_PMMTKOZ): to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of qualitative methodology.
    • Pre-Master Fieldwork (S_PMF): to acquire qualitative research skills.

    FSS-VU offers the following relevant subjects in the field of organisation science:

    • Kernthema’s bestuurs- & organisatiewetenschap (S_KBO)
    • Sociaal Kapitaal en Netwerken (S_SKN)
    • Organizational Culture and Change (S_OCC)

    In some cases the Admissions Committee might refer you to the pre-master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management or a certain selection of the courses.

    Reading list

    To prepare for the Master’s programme the Admissions Committee advices all students to read the following titles:

    • Ailon, G. (2008). Mirror, mirror on the wall: Culture's consequences in a value test of its own design. Academy of Management Review33(4), 885-904.
    • Calvey, D. (2021). Sensory ethnography: A creative turn. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 10(3): 346-357.
    • Grey, C. (2008). A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations. Sage.
    • Bleijenbergh, I. (2015) Kwalitatief onderzoek in organisaties. Amsterdam: Boom. 

    It is to your advantage to read these titles before starting the Master’s programme, but it's not a binding condition and therefore will not be tested.

    English language requirements

    To be admitted to the English-taught Master’s programme, all students must meet the following results in the English language test (no older than 2 years):

    • IELTS score with a minimum of 6.5
    • TOEFL score internet based test: 92
    • VU TOEFL-ITP: 580 (only valid for VU Amsterdam)
    • CAMBRIDGE CERTIFICATE in Advanced English (CAE): A or B
    • CAMBRIDGE CERTIFICATE of Proficiency in English (CPE): A, B or C

    Exemptions from the language test requirements are granted in the following cases:

    • Your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma was obtained in an English-language university programme in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK or USA.
    • Your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma was obtained in an English-taught programme at a Dutch university.
    • Your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma was obtained in an English-taught programme in a different EU-country.
    • You have a Dutch vwo-diploma (level 6 vwo-nieuw)
    • You are a pre-master's student and have passed the VU pre-master's assessment or equivalent before entering the programme.

    Make sure to register on time at Taalloket for the VU TOEFL-ITP, as the possibilities are limited, especially during the busy summer period. If you have a Dutch Bachelor's degree obtained at a Dutch university, the first take of the VU TOEFL-ITP is free of charge when registering via this page. Please make sure to apply for the master via Studielink before registering for the TOEFL-ITP. 

    Please upload a scan of the result of your test to your VU Dashboard before 31 August at the latest.

  • I have a Dutch higher vocational education (HBO) Bachelor’s degree

    The following information is in Dutch, since the pre-master's programme is partly taught in Dutch and therefore not accessible for students who don't speak Dutch.

    Als hbo'er kun je starten met de Master Culture, Organization and Management nadat je het bijbehorende pre-masterprogramma met succes hebt afgerond. Ieder hbo-bachelordiploma geeft toegang tot de pre-master, mits aan de eisen van het pre-masterassessment is voldaan.

    1. Meld je uiterlijk 30 juni in Studielink aan voor het pre-masterprogramma. Let op: De aanmelddeadline voor het pre-masterassessment is 30 juni. Zonder succesvolle afronding van dit pre-masterassessment is het niet mogelijk om te starten met de premaster.*
      Na aanmelding ontvang je inloggegevens voor je VU Dashboard.
    2. Rond je aanmelding in je VU Dashboard af, incl. aanmelding voor het pre-masterassessment.
    3. Pre-masterassessment en hbo-bachelordiploma moeten uiterlijk 31 augustus behaald zijn.
    4. Regel de betaling van het pre-mastertarief en rond je inschrijving af uiterlijk 31 augustus.

    * Indien je een minor of pre-master hebt gevolgd waarmee je rechtstreeks toelaatbaar bent (zie informatie over de toelatingseisen eerder genoemd op deze pagina), voeg hiervan dan een bewijsstuk toe aan je VU Dashboard en meld je rechtstreeks aan voor de master.

    Voor aanvang van het pre-masterprogramma ontvang je praktische informatie over de start van de studie.

    Doorstroomminor SWO van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA)

    Beschik je over een afgeronde hbo-opleiding inclusief de doorstroomminor Sociaalwetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de HvA, dan word je toegelaten na het behalen van één van de volgende bachelorvakken van de VU:

    • Kernthema’s bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschap (S_KBO)
    • Organizational Culture and Change (S_OCC)
    • Organisaties in de 21e eeuw (S_O21)

    Om dit vak te kunnen volgen moet je je aanmelden als bijvakstudent.
    Je hoeft geen pre-master te volgen en dus ook geen assessment te maken.

    Voor aanvang van de Master moet je hebben voldaan aan de taaleis Engels, zoals hieronder vermeld.

    English language requirements

    To be admitted to the English-taught Master’s programme, all students must meet the following results in the English language test (no older than 2 years):

    • IELTS score with a minimum of 6.5
    • TOEFL score internet based test: 92
    • VU TOEFL-ITP: 580 (only valid for VU Amsterdam)
    • CAMBRIDGE CERTIFICATE in Advanced English (CAE): A or B
    • CAMBRIDGE CERTIFICATE of Proficiency in English (CPE): A, B or C

    Exemptions from the language test requirements are granted in the following cases:

    • Your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma was obtained in an English-language university programme in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK or USA.
    • Your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma was obtained in an English-taught programme at a Dutch university.
    • Your Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma was obtained in an English-taught programme in a different EU-country.
    • You have a Dutch vwo-diploma (level 6 vwo-nieuw)
    • You are a pre-master's student and have passed the pre-master's assessment before entering the programme.

    Make sure to register on time at Taalloket for the VU TOEFL-ITP, as the possibilities are limited, especially during the busy summer period. If you have a Dutch Bachelor's degree obtained at a Dutch university, the first take of the VU TOEFL-ITP is free of charge.

    Please upload a scan of the result of your test to your VU Dashboard before 31 August at the latest.

  • Application procedure with a Dutch degree

    How to apply

    Direct admission

    1. Registration for the Master’s programme in Studielink is open until 1 July at the latest.
       After registering in Studielink you’ll receive login data for your VU Dashboard.
    2. Finish your VU Dashboard. As your admissibility doesn’t have to be assessed, you don’t need to add any documents (just tick the box “I upload this later”).
    3. Arrange payment of the tuition fee and complete your registration before 31 August at the latest.
    4. Please upload, if applicable, a scan of the result of your English language test to your VU Dashboard before 31 August at the latest.

    Before the beginning of the programme you’ll receive practical information about starting your studies.

    An application is not the same as enrolment. If you register for a programme in Studielink (before 1 July), you will not immediately be enrolled. You will only be enrolled once you have been notified by Studielink. To this end, you must have submitted all the required documents a.s.a.p. after registering (preferably before 1 June) and have arranged for payment of the tuition fees before 31 August.
    An application does not commit you to anything and can be cancelled free of charge until 31 August.

    More information about the registration procedure.

    Conditional admission

    To apply for the programme, you need to register in Studielink before 1 July at the latest. After completing your registration in Studielink, you will receive log in details for your VU Dashboard. Please complete your application a.s.a.p. by uploading the following required documents (in English):

    • a curriculum vitae (résumé), listing your previous education and relevant work experience.
    • a certified transcript of the grades you obtained in your Bachelor’s programme in English or translated into English by your university or a sworn translator. If you have followed or are following a master’s programme and/or more than one bachelor’s programme, please include transcripts of all these programmes.
    • a description of the relevant courses/modules followed and literature used during your previous higher education, that were part of your Bachelor's (and Master's, if applicable) programme, with a short description of the contents of these courses and the literature used (bibliography) to assess the theoretical background of the programme. You can either copy this from a study guide or type a 5-10 line description for each relevant course, if a study guide is not readily available. For the literature please mention the most relevant academic textbooks or articles used during your previous education.

    In order to determine whether your choice for the Master’s programme is a good match, please also add the following documents (in English):

    • a (short) letter motivating your choice and explaining how you meet the entry requirements;
    • a proof of academic writing, such as (parts of) a thesis, paper or essay, that includes a clear research question, an explicit research methodology, a theoretical framework and academic literature references.

    The Admissions Committee will determine whether you are directly admissible to the Master’s programme or whether you first have to follow a bridging programme and if so, which courses you should take.

    The Committee might contact you for additional information and/or explain content and level of the Master’s in Culture, Organization and Management.

    Please upload a scan with the result of your English language test to your VU Dashboard before 31 August at the latest.

    Registration procedure

      1. Registration for the Master’s programme in Studielink is open until 1 July at the latest.
        After registering in Studielink you’ll receive login data for your VU Dashboard.
      2. Finish your VU Dashboard a.s.a.p. by adding the required documents.
      3. After your application has been processed and assessed you’ll receive notice about your admissibility.
      4. Arrange payment of the tuition fee and complete your registration before 31 August at the latest.
      5. Upload a scan of the result of your English language test to your VU Dashboard before 31 August at the latest.

    Before the beginning of the programme you’ll receive practical information about starting your studies.

    An application is not the same as enrolment. If you register for a programme in Studielink (before 1 July), you will not immediately be enrolled. You will only be enrolled once you have been notified by Studielink. To this end, you must have submitted all the required documents a.s.a.p. after registering (preferably before 1 July) and have arranged for payment of the tuition fees before 31 August.
    An application does not commit you to anything and can be cancelled free of charge until 31 August.

    More information about the registration procedure.

  • I have an international degree

    Direct admission

    Important information: there is an extended deadline for this programme. The extended deadline is 1 July 2024 for international applicants who do not need visa. This means your application needs to be complete before that date.

    You are admissible to the Master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management (COM) with one of the following Bachelor’s degrees:

    • Business Administration
    • Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
    • Management and Organisation Science
    • Organisation Studies
    • Political Science
    • Psychology track Social- or Work and Organisational Psychology*
      *please add proof of the track you follow(ed) to your VU Dashboard
    • Sociology

    Furthermore, you are admissible to the Master’s programme in COM with any Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree including a minor programme in organisation sciences, such as the VU Amsterdam Faculty of Social Sciences Minor Bestuurswetenschap (30 ECTS, taught in Dutch) or the Minor Organisatiewetenschap (30 ECTS, taught in Dutch).

    In all cases, your bachelor must be equivalent to a Dutch academic (WO) bachelor and therefore must be completed at a research university.

    NUFFIC, the Dutch organization for internationalization in education, provides information on the academic level of universities abroad in relation to the required level of academic master programmes in the Netherlands. The Admission Board uses this information provided by NUFFIC in order to assess whether your level of academic writing and methodological training is expected to be sufficient. If your level of academic writing and/or methodological training is deemed insufficient, you must complete a bridging programme which consists of courses in academic writing and/or methods and techniques. You may decide to take this course at any university. The Faculty of Social Sciences at VU Amsterdam offers courses in academic writing in the pre-master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management (PM Tutorial Academic Writing COM and PM Fieldwork) and in methods and techniques (see below).

    Conditional admission

    You are admissible to the Culture, Organization and Management (COM) with other academic Bachelor's or Master's programmes after finishing a bridging programme of max. 30 EC.
    Depending on the degree you are finishing, this bridging programme consists of academic courses in the field of (quantitative and/or qualitative) methods and techniques of social scientific research (minimum 12 EC) and/or academic courses in the field of organization science (minimum of 6 EC).

    The Admissions Committee of the Master's programme in COM will determine which additional courses you will have to take. These courses can be taken at any Dutch university, but you can also choose to take them at FSS-VU.

    At FSS-VU the following relevant courses are offered in the field of methods and techniques of social scientific research:

    • Social Research Methodology (S_SRM): introduction to the process of social scientific research, including its key methods (qualitative and quantitative) and approaches (interpretative vs positivist).
    • Ethnographic Research Methodology (S_ERM)
    • Methoden en technieken van kwalitatief onderzoek (S_PMMTKOZ): to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of qualitative methodology.
    • Pre-Master Fieldwork (S_PMF): to acquire qualitative research skills.

    FSS-VU offers the following relevant subjects in the field of organisation science:

    • Kernthema’s bestuurs- & organisatiewetenschap (S_KBO)
    • Sociaal Kapitaal en Netwerken (S_SKN)
    • Organizational Culture and Change (S_OCC)

    *Please be aware that international students should not apply for the pre-master’s programme directly. In case you are not directly eligible for the Master’s programme, the Admissions Committee will refer you to the pre-master’s programme in Culture, Organization and Management or a certain selection of the courses.

    Reading list

    To prepare for the Master’s programme the Admissions Committee advices all students to read the following titles:

    • Ailon, G. (2008). Mirror, mirror on the wall: Culture's consequences in a value test of its own design. Academy of Management Review33(4), 885-904.
    • Calvey, D. (2021). Sensory ethnography: A creative turn. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 10(3): 346-357.
    • Grey, C. (2008). A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations. Sage.

    It is to your advantage to read these titles before starting the Master’s programme, but it is not a binding condition and therefore will not be tested.

    English language requirements

    If you are applying for one of our English-taught Master's degree programmes you will have to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency by submitting English test results.  

    Although complete applications are preferred, you can begin your application before you have completed the test and then submit your passing score once you have been conditionally admitted. 

    You can find an overview of all accepted tests and scores that can be used to demonstrate your English language proficiency on the language requirement page.

  • Application procedure with an international degree

    Application documents

    To apply you are required to provide the following documents:

    • Scan of your passport or national ID card (ID for EEA students only) valid at the start date of the programme
    • Master Application File please download the correct file from this page. In this file you can see which documents are required to apply for your programme.
    • Proof of English language proficiency (if already obtained): upload your proof of English language proficiency or English language test results. Please find the English language requirements here.

    After having prepared the required documents, please follow the online application procedure

    Application fee & deadlines

    All students seeking admission to an international Master’s programme with an international degree are required to pay a non-refundable €100 application fee. Only after you have paid this fee will we be able to start the evaluation of your application file. If you are applying for more than one programme, you will only need to pay the application fee once. Your application fee payment is valid for two years.

    Information on how to apply with an international university degree and deadlines can be found here

    Important information: there is an extended deadline for this programme. The extended deadline is 1 July 2024 for international applicants who do not need visa. This means your application needs to be complete before that date.

    Grants and scholarships

    As an international student planning to study at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, you can apply for a variety of grants and bursaries. Detailed information about scholarships and deadlines can be found on or

    International Student and Alumni Ambassadors 

    Our International Student and Alumni Ambassadors are happy to tell you all about their experiences with studying at VU Amsterdam and living in Amsterdam.

    • Our Student Ambassadors are current students at VU Amsterdam that represent a wide variety of programmes and countries.
    • Our International Alumni Ambassadors are VU Amsterdam graduates who are currently either working in the Netherlands or abroad, or doing a PhD or (second) Master's.

    You will find the full overview of our Ambassadors here: There you can chat with them directly.

Want to know more?

Don't hesitate to contact us!

Are you applying with a Dutch diploma? If you want to know whether you are admissible, please register in Studielink, adding the documents as mentioned in the paragraph above to your application in the VU-application portal. If you have any questions concerning the pre-master’s assessment, the payment of your tuition fee or your application in your VU-application portal, please contact the Student Desk.

If you have questions about the tuition fee, Studielink or your personal dashboard on, please contact the Student Desk:, stating your student number.

Call +31 (0)20 59 85020 (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

International diploma applicants

International diploma applicants are welcome to send an e-mail to or book a phone appointment to get in touch with the International Student Advisor of this programme

If you have questions about the tuition fee, Studielink or your personal dashboard on, please contact the Student Desk:, stating your student number.

Also, make sure to take a look at our FAQ page - you might already find your question answered there.


  • Jasper Oosterveld
  • International Student Advisor
  • Faculty of Social Sciences