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Amsterdam Institute for Life and Environment


The mission of Amsterdam Institute for Life and Environment (A-LIFE) is to advance the fundamental understanding of the interplay between life and its environment through innovative and curiosity-driven science.

The department seeks to connect properties and emergent behaviors from micro to global scales, from molecules to ecosystems, including human populations. We aim to inspire our students and apply our expertise to shape a sustainable future and support healthy living.


The department offers two Bachelor programs:
Gezondheid en Leven

The department offers two Master programs:
Biomolecular Sciences
Ecology and Evolution

View all Bachelor and Master programs with A-LIFE involvement.

Click here for information about internships at A-LIFE.

In memoriam Dick Vethaak

In memoriam Dick Vethaak

On June 1, 2024, our emeritus endowed professor Dick Vethaak passed away in Spain, where he lived with his wife and son. Dick has been affiliated with the VU since 2009, where he held chairs with a focus on water quality and environmental health.

Although we knew Dick was suffering from health problems, the news of his passing has touched us deeply.

Read the full In Memoriam

About A-LIFE

About A-LIFE

The Amsterdam Institute for Life and Environment (A-LIFE) was founded in 2021 as a result of the merger of three smaller groups: Molecular Cell Biology, Ecological Sciences and Environment and Health. The complementary and interconnected research and teaching portfolios of the three constitutive groups formed the basis of A-LIFE’s success.  

More about A-LIFE


Contact A-LIFE

Mailing address:
O|2 Lab building, location: 02W31
Van der Boechorstraat 3
1081 BT Amsterdam

Visiting address:
O|2 Lab building
De Boelelaan 1108
1081 HZ Amsterdam