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Study association Synkratos

Each study of the Faculty of Humanities has its own study association. For the studies of Ancient Sciences and Archeology this is study association Synkratos. The association is the ideal way to get in touch with students from your field of study from all years.

The studies of Ancient Studies and Archeology, together with the study of Greek and Latin Language and Culture, come under one common denominator, the Amsterdam Center for Ancient Studies and Archeology (ACASA). Joint events are regularly organized, so that you also get to know the students who view your field from a different perspective. The studies are relatively 'small', so you get to know each other and the teachers quickly. Classics, historians and archaeologists together form an excellent company.

In addition to the joint activities, Synkratos regularly organizes borrels (drinks) and social activities. In addition, information is provided on fun, educational, antiquity-related events. Every month a monthly calendar is sent by e-mail that is full of activities and tips. In addition to the fun borrels, every year we go on an introduction weekend and a trip abroad to a location where antiquity can still be found in the landscape.

Synkratos shares a social space together with study associations Merlijn and Kliché. You can find this room in the main building of the VU (room 12-A43). As a member you can go here whenever you want. Whether it is to chill, play games or study: you are always welcome!

If all that social stuff isn't for you, there is still a reason to join. Members of our association receive a 10% discount on books from the VU bookshop and the Athenaeum bookshop. This can save you a lot of money over the years.

Want to join?
Membership costs € 10 for first-year students and € 15 for all other years.

More information
For more information, we can be reached Curious about our activities? Follow us on Facebook or visit our website.