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Expand your mind and deepen your perspective

Faculty of Humanities

Humanities at VU Amsterdam expands your mind and deepens your perspective.

At the VU Amsterdam Faculty of Humanities we see the world around us through a historical, philosophical, and linguistic lens. We are a faculty with a broad, societal, and interdisciplinary profile. Our research has societal value because we involve multiple disciplines in the solution of the same problem. We consider this profile to be the plus of Humanities. 

We educate historians, philosophers, art historians, antiquities experts, communication scientists and linguists who are willing to look beyond the boundaries of their own disciplines. What they have in common is that they play an indispensable role in interpreting our time and what makes us human. And through this interpretation, we offer a window into the past, present and future: a linguistic, philosophical, historical and creative window.

Humanities+ is also an interdisciplinary way of working, as students apply various approaches to complex issues: the so-called wicked problems. In this way, you sharpen your mind, make it resilient, and able to interpret the challenges of our time. 

If you choose Humanities at VU Amsterdam, you choose Humanities+.

Discover the stories

Discover the stories

The chance discovery of a philosophy book in a cabinet in Bangladesh was, in retrospect, the start of a second career for Nina van Egmond. The nursing lecturer would eventually obtain a PhD on the importance of human dignity for migrants. Since 2017, she has been a programme manager at the Dutch Council for Refugees. ‘Progress changes the way we live, but it's not necessarily an improvement.’  

Open idea magazine
Nina van Egmond

Teaching robots to talk

'We see language as a reference system that connects people and systems to their perceptions of the world. In our research projects on communicative robots, we try to build robots that communicate with people in real-life situations.'

How does language refer to reality? How do we use language and context to understand each other? What can we learn about this by teaching AI to talk? 

Piek Vossen and his team are looking for the answers.

In the spotlight

About the Faculty of Humanities

Want to know more?

Feel free to contact us
You can find our department at the VU main building (De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam), room 12A-68.

General questions about registration or tuition fees?

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