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Study association KallioPPE

KallioPPE is the study association of Philosophy Politics and Economics at the VU Amsterdam. Through the work of the board and our different committees, we organize events such as our regular 'borrels', our annual MUN and Gala, as well as debating competitions, tutoring sessions, trips, and much more.

Our aim is to create a close-knit and inclusive community in which every member actively takes part. KallioPPE also aims to be politically concerned and active, intending to contribute to a better world; and to maintain close relationships with other international study associations, allowing members to become part of an international community based in Amsterdam. 

KallioPPE is a great way to get to know your fellow students and to enjoy studying PPE to the fullest! In addition, KallioPPE members get a discount on books from the VU Bookstore, PPE merch, trips, and many more. 

Becoming a member and further information:
if you want to join us, want more information, or are curious to know more about KallioPPE, visit our website ( or email us at You can also find us on Instagram (@sakallioppe), Facebook (Study Association Kallio-PPE) and LinkedIn (Study Association KallioPPE).