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Study association Icarus

Icarus is the study association for philosophy students at the VU. Icarus is an educational, fun and active study association, and above all a very friendly and open group of students and teachers. Our official language is English to make sure we are inclusive of international students, as these form a big part of our association. For more than 15 years we have been a safe place for all who want to connect with fellow students, have a good time together or engage in deep philosophical talks, discussing course content and beyond. Icarus organizes events throughout the year such as movie nights, lectures, debates, borrels and much more. We also organize a yearly study trip, during which we have been to Rome, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Prague.

Why become a member?
Icarus is a lovely community of both Dutch and international students in which you will immediately feel at home and form lots of friends. Icarus is a great way to get to know fellow students. And on top of all of that you will get a discount on books from the VU bookstore! All of this for a membership fee of only 15 euros per year. You can find the sign up form on our website (

More information
For more information visit our website or email us at You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook to get a sneak peak of what we get up to.

The Icarus Board 

The board for the current academic year exists of:

  • President Quinten Torre
  • Secretary: Jasmine Campbell
  • Treasurer: Joris Schultz-Heienbrok