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Abraham Kuyper Lecture 2022

The Abraham Kuyper Lecture is the final chord of the Writers in Residence's tenure. During the programme the booklet will be presented with the text Writer in Residence Babs Gons has written for the university.

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Every age has its contemporary troubadours, its griots, poets, noisemakers, shouters, declamationists with their social and poetic commentary on life, love, death and everything in between. Spoken word is a new variant that is capturing the hearts of many. Babs Gons says about this in her Abraham Kuyper Lecture: "For me, spoken word is a way to connect. With art, but above all with a company, a congregation, a community of like-minded people, of other noisy people." 

It is love. It is passion.

It is accessing somewhere where

recognition and acknowledgement

through language

through story

come about.

The lecture is the opening programme of the Déjà VU festival.

Rector Magnificus Jeroen Geurts will present the first copy of the publication Ik draag mijn tong in mijn borst that  Writer in Residence Babs Gons wrote especially for VU Amsterdam. Attendees of the lecture will receive the extended version of the lecture as a paper booklet.