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A development path for teachers in higher education

5 June 2024
How can lecturers be prepared and supported in their development so that they can contribute effectively to the educational mission of higher education in a constantly changing society?

That is the question that underpinned the VU-CTL development path; a visual representation of the professionalisation pathways teachers can follow at VU-CTL.

The VU-CTL development path enables lecturers to choose professionalisation paths that fit their situation and learning needs, and to plan and oversee these paths in the broad perspective of their continuous development.

How does the development path work?
Each honeycomb represents a path that can be followed independently. The path starts with a Start-to-teach day for all beginner teachers. After this introduction, usually the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ/BKO) follows, unless teachers are hired for a limited teaching task - as mentor or supervisor of thesis or internship. After obtaining the UTQ/BKO, teachers can deepen their knowledge and choose to specialise, for example in the field of assessment, or to deepen their knowledge in a broader sense. Teachers decide for themselves which honeycombs they want to pursue. This allows them to choose offerings that match their current learning needs.

On the website, teachers can consult a current, interactive version of the development path and select examples of possible development paths.

White paper ‘A development path for lecturers in higher education’
Curious about how the VU-CTL development path came about? And on which didactic principles it is based? In the white paper A development path for teachers in higher education'(.pdf) you can read more about the didactics within the development path, the underlying vision on teaching and our plans for the future.

Are you involved in a CTL/TLC in formation, the development of a CTL or do you have ideas from another field? Contact us and we are happy to talk with you:

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Do you want to ask a question? Please contact Carin Weitering, Higher Education Student Affairs, at
You can also call us on +31 (0)20 598 4263.


Carin Weitering