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6 June: polling station at VU Amsterdam

30 May 2024
The elections for the European Parliament are scheduled to take place on 6 June. A polling station will be open in the VU Main Building between 07:30 and 9:00. On the same day, you can cast your vote in a referendum on the capital's green space policy.

Bring your polling card and ID.

Eligibility to vote

You are eligible to vote in the European elections if you meet these conditions.

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You are a Dutch national or
  • You are a national of another EU country and you have registered as a voter before 23 April 2024

More information on the European elections >

Referendum on the capital’s green space policy

You can vote in the referendum if you meet these requirements.

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You have Dutch nationality or you are a national of another member state of the European Union
  • Or you have been continuously registered in the Netherlands for at least 5 years and have held a valid residence permit for at least 5 years
  • You are registered as a resident in Amsterdam on 23 April

More information on the referendum on the capital's green space policy >