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The Promise of Violence: Imagining History and Feeling Time

1 November 2023
'The Promise of Violence' discusses the allure of political violence and its perpetuation among the revolutionaries in Iran and brings forth ethnographic journeys among Shia volunteers who join or strive to join militias.

These revolutionaries, especially Iranians, opened their cosmologies to me, and they became my ethnographic partners and research-friends. Revolutionaries' religiosity, political consciousness, Islamic worldviews, narratives about the past wars and imagined histories taught me their motivations to engage with political violence, and subsequently informed my approach to the anthropology of history.

Please register before 15 November via: Lunch will be included.

When: November 30, 2023

Where: Main Building VU, Forum 3, HG 1D-08

Time: 12:00-13:15