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The Cities2030 EU project event was a success!

6 March 2023
More than 80 representatives of the partners organisations from all over Europe have accepted the invitation by Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Unive, and joined the gathering in the Netherlands, 22-24 February.

Cities2030 EU project (co-creating resilient and sustainable food systems towards FOOD2030) commits to work towards the transformation and the restructuring on the way systems produce, transport, supply, recycle and reuse food in the 21st century. Cities2030 addresses local and regional levels, to generate circular models between cities and their peri-urban areas through small steps, systemic, pragmatic, actionable, transferable and sustainable solutions. The main project activities are focused at moving consumers from being passive recipients to active motivated agent of urban food system transformation. To this aim, multiple City Region Food Systems (CRFS) Labs since are experimenting with innovation-and policy-based solutions, working towards shifting old consumption patterns, mindsets, policies and expertise.

The 3-day programme aimed to stimulate personal interaction between consortium members. Partially because of the distance between the regions and the COVID-19 pandemic, partners had missed the chance to meet in person. To make up for the lost time, the 3-day gathering was carefully designed to build professional working relations and expand and strengthen networks across city-region food systems and external partners.

Day 1 was dedicated to the General Assembly in Amsterdam. The day kick-started by the Project Coordinator, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and the managing team from European Project Consulting (EPC). The programme continued with presentations and updates by the work package leaders about the progress made so far, the challenges and accomplishments. Participants had the chance to learn about the different Cities2030 platforms and online tools developed by the partners. A special Exe-Com meeting has been held afterwards.

The Policy Lab Festival took place in Haarlem, on the 2nd day of the programme. The Koepelhal – a landmark venue for the city of Haarlem - hosted the all-day event. The programme included the Poster Market, an exhibition of 18 posters designed by the Cities2030 Labs to showcase their current efforts towards a more sustainable food system in their city-regions. More specific, the following city-regions participated on the activity:  Brugge (Belgium), Velica Gorica (Croatia), Troodos (Cyprus), Vejle (Denmark), Seinäjoki (Finland), Bremenhaven (Germany), Quart de Poblet (Spain), Sicó (Portugal), Reykjavik (Iceland), Vidzeme (Latvia), Iasi (Romania), Muska Sobota (Slovenia), Vicenza (Italy), Haarlem (Netherlands), Venize Lagoon (Italy), Cilenta Region (Italy), and Marseille (France). Along the day, 6 different workshops were held by Cities2030 partners and external invited organisations.

Day 3 was dedicated to Haarlem City-region food system. Haarlem Lab is a municipality-led CRFS Lab that works closely together with local food initiatives, food entrepreneurs and citizens. The morning program included an inspiring workshop in the community garden of Kweektuin. In the afternoon participants had the chance to explore various local initiatives and food projects that work towards a more sustainable city-region food system.