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Meet the future of teaching

17 May 2023
"Teaching is my superpower,” read the sticker on the laptop, and indeed we could see it in full splendor on May 11 as the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL) celebrated “Meet the future of teaching” event.

It was the day 96 VU teachers received their University Teaching Qualification (UTQ). Starting with a delicious and productive lunch hosted by the Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap participants, in which guests discussed and deliberated on the opportunities and challenges of the Recognition and Reward initiative at VU Amsterdam.

The lunch was followed by three workshop rounds in special locations such as the Incubator, in which UTQ graduates and alumni, shared their educational vision, teaching practices, learning techniques, and experiences.

The certification ceremony keynote lecture was provided by Van der Duijn Schouten Education Award 2022 recipient Dr. Yvette Taminiau, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, who spoke about the relevance of creating connections to develop and build educational practice. CTL Director, Janneke Waelen, reiterated that “together in education” is core to the Centre’s work ethos.

As the day ended on an elated note we realized what makes education truly special at VU Amsterdam is the people, it’s the teachers and the students, their stories, hard work, and passion, that truly makes this superpower ignite.

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Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

Do you want to ask a question? Please contact Carin Weitering, Higher Education Student Affairs, at
You can also call us on +31 (0)20 598 4263.


Carin Weitering