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Awards at ABRI barbecue 2023

25 September 2023
On September 19th, the annual ABRI barbecue took place again in the beautiful Botanical Gardens here at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

It was a great opportunity for both old and new faces to get to know each other while enjoying some drinks, a delicious barbecue and some great tunes. Not even the rainy weather could affect the cheerful mood!

At the start of the evening, the ABRI awards for Best PhD Paper, as well as Best Junior Faculty paper were given out. This year, Georgia Liadeli won Best PhD paper, titled "A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Brands’ Owned Social Media on Social Media Engagement and Sales".

Katharina Cepa went home with the Best Junior Faculty Paper award, titled "Data-Induced Rationality and Unitary Spaces in Interfirm Collaboration". Congratulations again to both!

In the photo we see the two winners (Peeter Verlegh on behalf of Georgia).