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Call for cases for the FGB Open Science Award

14 February 2022
The FGB Open Science Award will recognize and reward researchers, PhD-students, and research teams who have used Open Science to make their scientific research more accessible, transparent or reproducible.

Application for this award is by means of a case study describing your experience with Open Science in a particular project. We encourage the submission of case studies that explore the challenges and difficulties as well as those that celebrate positive experiences and successful outcomes. We are looking for inspiring accounts of researchers’ motivations for making (or not making) open choices, which offer reasoned assessments of the pros and cons of being open, and are honest about where things didn’t work or could have been done differently.

The Open Science Award committee will rank the submissions. The top five case studies will each receive a prize of €200,-. The winners are expected to give a short presentation at the FGB Spring Event, March 31st, 2022. 

The deadline for submission is March 4, 2022.
Submission: E-mail the word-file to:

Applicants should describe activities that align to one or more of the following open objectives:

  • making the outputs of research, including non-SCI-publications, data, software and other research materials freely accessible;
  • using online tools and services to increase the transparency of research processes and methodologies;
  • making scientific research more reproducible by increasing the amount and quality of information placed on the public record;
  • using alternative models of publication and peer review to make the dissemination and certification of research faster and more transparent;
  • using open collaborative methods and tools to increase efficiency and widen participation in research.
  • NB: we purposely do not ask for open access SCI-publications because the decision to publish open access is largely dependent on the available budget.

We copied the format from the National Open Science Festival with some small modifications. Applicants can also look at the Reading University Open Research Award Use Cases resulting from similar calls for case studies.

Fill in this form. Note that the structure relates to the website content where all applications will appear for inspiration of your colleagues.

Deadline of submission:  March 4, 2022
Submission: E-mail the word-file to: