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Festive launch of MBA programmes at VU Amsterdam

10 September 2021
This September, 2 MBA programmes started at VU School of Business and Economics Executive Education. Over 20 students were welcomed by Dean Arjen van Witteloostuijn. The first batch of VU MBA students will form the new 'Community of change-makers' and will be prepared to make an impact as leaders.

More than 20 students started the 1st of September in the MBA programmes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The students are full-time professionals and follow their MBA study over the weekends in Amsterdam. They all hope to obtain their MBA degree in the next 18 months. Executive MBA student Paula from Argentina responds enthusiastically to her first day: ”All the participants genuinely seem like friendly people! I am excited to spend the next 18-months with them!”

Aki Voudigaris, senior MBA recruiter, looks back on the festive launch with satisfaction: “What we have accomplished in the past years, from scratch to launch, is nothing short of a miracle! The MBA market is highly competitive in the Netherlands, and when you are launching not one, but two new programmes, the challenge becomes even more significant. Especially during a global crisis with Covid-19 and the uncertainty that comes with it. By recruiting more than 20 students, we validated that we are offering something new and different from other business schools, and we can be even more ambitious about the future." said Voudigaris.

VU Amsterdam offers an MBA programme in International Business, which is aimed at young professionals and an Executive MBA programme Leading with Purpose targeted at seasoned professionals. Do you want to know more about these programmes and the scholarship opportunities?

Any Questions?

Please contact the MBA Admission Team for more information

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105
