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Workshop: Artificial Intelligence and Course Design 19 September 2024 14:00 - 17:00

ChatGPT has made its entry into education, and generative AI is here to stay. But what is the ethos behind generative AI and how does generative AI do its, seemingly magical, work?

In this workshop, organised by the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning, Felienne Hermans, professor of Computer Science Education, will firstly explain the philosophical and technical basis of AI algorithms. This will help you as a teacher make better choices on how to navigate AI with students.

AI will also impact each course differently. In the hands-on second part of the workshop, you will examine the learning goals of your course, and refine them to better manage the role of AI in your teaching practice.

Curious about what to expect in this workshop? Click here for a sneak preview.

About Workshop: Artificial Intelligence and Course Design

Starting date

  • 19 September 2024


  • 14:00 - 17:00


  • Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw
  • 6A-61


  • De Boelelaan 1111
  • 1081HV Amsterdam

Organised by

  • VU Centre for Teaching & Learning


  • English

Teacher: Felienne Hermans

Teacher: Felienne Hermans

Felienne Hermans, a prominent expert in computer science education, has an impressive career in teaching and research. Since 2020, she has been teaching as a didactics specialist in computer science at the Vrije Universiteit and has been a professor of computer science didactics since October 2022. Felienne is renowned for her dedication to making programming environments accessible, and her research, including her award-winning dissertation and recent work with the programming language Hedy, is globally recognized.

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