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Well prepared and confident in front of a group

Are you actively involved as a TA at the VU Amsterdam for example as a supervisor for seminars or assignments. Do you want to improve your teaching skills? Join the training for Teaching Assistants!

For whom?
All Teaching Assistants (TAs) involved in teaching at VU Amsterdam.

About this training

The training for Teaching Assistants will provide you with tools to help you  be well prepared and confident in front of a group. You will not only gain more insight into your role as a TA and the responsibilities it entails, but also which boundaries you can draw. In addition, you will learn more about teaching and group dynamics, which allows you to activate a group more easily, for example, to discuss specific topics. As a result, your teaching won't only be more effective, but you will have more fun and self-confidence in front of a group.

During the training we will discuss basic didactical and pedagogical skills. For example, how to create a safe learning environment for students and how to effectively activate students. We will also reflect on what the role change - from student to TA - requires from you.

There will also be time for you to discuss dilemmas which you've encountered in your teaching practice. Together with fellow TAs, we will discuss your personal learning and development points.

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Frequently visited courses: UTQSTQEducational Leadership
Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

Do you have questions about this course?

Please contact Laura Arnesano via


  • Laura Arnesano
  • Student Affairs & Marketing