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During your studies

As a VU Amsterdam student, you will have a wide range of facilities at your disposal.

You will have access to an extensive library, a university-wide wireless network and numerous computer rooms and reading rooms. The university’s sports centre offers more than 35 different sports and the Griffioen cultural centre organises a variety of courses in the arts as well as other cultural activities.

Personal supervision 

VU Amsterdam devotes considerable attention to personal study advice. Right at the start of your course of study, you will be introduced to your faculty’s study advisor. This person can help you plan your study, choose any extra courses that may be useful, discuss personal matters which may affect your study and can advise you with career choices. In some cases, the study advisor may refer you to someone else if he/she thinks they are better suited to help you. We also offer help to study with a disability. There are student counsellors and a a student desk for any specific questions you may have.

IT and study facilities 

VU Amsterdam has plenty of computer facilities and study rooms for its students. There are several computer rooms, a notebook study room and internet work spaces available. All faculties have their own study and computer rooms, often combined. Students can also study in the faculty libraries. In addition to each faculty’s own resources, VU Amsterdam also has central facilities like the VU Media Experience.

Dutch courses

The Dutch as a Second language Department offers various courses in Dutch. Whether you are new to our language or speak it reasonably well, they can help you learn Dutch fast and effectively. Taalcentrum-VU is an independent translation and language-training agency with its roots in VU Amsterdam. They provide a broad range of services in the field of Dutch and major European languages, such as language courses. They also organise the VU Amsterdam institutional TOEFL test. This test is much cheaper than the official TOEFL test, although it is only recognised at VU Amsterdam.

Career Services 

VU Amsterdam provides career guidance from the very start of your study programme: activities such as Career Counselling, CV workshops, Interview Training and Career & Network events. The services are designed for students at all educational levels and across all academic disciplines, reaching out to both domestic and international students. By offering career services we aim to prepare you for the Dutch and International labour market. The Dutch government offers an Orientation Year to Non-EU students who are willing to work in the Netherlands. 

(International) student association

There are several types of student bodies at the university. ESN VU Amsterdam is an organisation for all international and Dutch students at VU Amsterdam. It brings together Dutch and international students from a variety of disciplines to introduce them to the university and to Amsterdam, and to make them feel at home. ESN VU Amsterdam organises a host of activities, including cocktail parties, weekly get-togethers (borrels) and social gatherings every two weeks, as well as a larger social event once a month.

Study abroad 

VU Amsterdam has set up exchange agreements with more than 200 partner universities worldwide. As a VU Amsterdam student, you will have the opportunity to study abroad for one semester in various destinations, such as Denmark, China, Singapore, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, the United States, and many more. Interested in learning new languages and cultures and meeting interesting people from all over the globe? Check out our online World Map.