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Turning your most deeply held beliefs into academic research

Theology and Religious Studies: Research

The Master's programme Theology and Religious Studies: Research engages you with ins and outs of academic research in a specialized area within theology or religious studies. Your religious convictions are the starting point of a journey, in which you will learn to critically develop your own worldview in dialogue with others.

Endorsing dialogue about theology and religious studies among (young) academics of diverse religious convictions is the first aspect that make this programme unique. Second aspect is developing a sustainable Talent Policy which trains you in the ins and outs of academic research.

Next to compulsory courses, during your Research Master's programme you will enroll in a number of study routes in your field of interest. And, note, there is a lot of freedom in how you will finally organize your programme. We encourage our students to become a community of learners and to engage with the Faculty’s life and research.

We offer eleven subjects that you can study in depth, but you can also put together another study package that suits your interests:

Discover your Theology & Religious Studies Research programme

  • If God exists where is (S)he?
  • Does archaeology ‘support’ or ‘debunk’ the Bible?
  • Can a digital key to Hebrew grammar validate the Biblical narratives?
  • What are the historical roots of contemporary challenges such as the "migration crisis"?
  • What role do religions play in conflict and how can religion contribute to the overcoming of violence and help in reconciliation after conflict?

You want to get a scientifically justified answer to the questions like these? Are you fascinated by research and enjoy studying? Did you achieve excellent results for your Bachelor’s degree? Then this Research Master’s programme is perfect for you!

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