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Discover the Digital Society

Social Sciences for a Digital Society

Having studied this Research Master, your career opportunities are diverse. All sorts of organisations are looking for your unique profile: a new type of researcher who combines social science theories with innovative data methods to tackle real-world challenges.

Whether it’s for the governmental sector or the business world, many large corporations are collecting vast amounts of data, but their understanding of what to do with that data is limited. There’s a clear need for researchers with experience in mining big data for a range of purposes. 

The programme’s international approach lends itself well to working abroad. You can start building your international network during your Research Master. You and your fellow students will partner up with international organisations to work on societal problems. The programme also offers guest lectures by speakers from the corporate world, NGOs, government departments and more. 

This Research Master's degree in Social Sciences is also a great entry point to a PhD. Your research proposal and Master's thesis will be great preparation both for your PhD topic and when applying for funding. 

Professional future

This Research Master will set you up for any career that involves working in teams to analyse problems in social data science and offer solutions using data: whether that’s in academia, government policy, the non-profit sector, or the corporate world. 

For example, if you’re interested in political mobilisation and want to know how opposition leaders gather support in authoritarian regimes, you could become a researcher at an international NGO that measures the impact of online campaigns. Alternatively, if you aspire to a career in healthcare and you’re interested in the application of social network analysis on health, you could become a data analyst at a large consultancy firm that advises healthcare organisations on how to improve their customer support. And last but by no means least, you could become a PhD candidate and work on a project that builds on your Master's thesis. 

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