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Become a better neuroscientist

What are the implications of your neuroscientific research? How are these relevant to a psychiatrist? What does this mean for a patient?

These are all questions you’ll be able to answer using the translational skills you’ll have acquired during the programme. Not only that, but you’ll be able to reflect on and analyse the outcomes of your research, and communicate that to third parties who may have little to no knowledge of neuroscience.

Jeroen van Daatselaar - student

Jeroen van Daatselaar - student

"Philosophy of Neuroscience ended up giving me more than I had hoped for. The curriculum covers classical and contemporary topics, ranging from consciousness to different theories of causation, to the impact of neuroscience on society and our notion of human nature. It gave me the edge in my search for a PhD position in neuroscience. Today, when I read neuroscientific literature or converse with colleagues, I see philosophy at every turn.”

What can you do after your Master's degree?

Pursue an academic career

The majority of graduates from the programme continue their academic research in the form of a PhD position – most often in neuroscience but sometimes in philosophy or psychiatry. Alumni have carried out research in a wide variety of areas that take advantage of the cross-pollination between neuroscience and philosophy.

Start working

Alternatively, your Master’s degree would be good preparation for a career as an advisor or policymaker in governments or NGOs, or as a scientific journalist for publications.