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The critical study of design and fashion

Learn about how design shapes our world

Interiors, fashion, artefacts, graphics and digital design define affect every aspect of our lives. Design Cultures takes a Humanities perspective on the study of the designed environment, explores the history and theory of design and connects with contemporary issues such as identity, mobility, ecology, overconsumption and inequality. Other programmes train students to design objects. On this programme you will be trained to interpret, reflect and write about design.

This programme raises the following questions: What makes a design iconic? How is design used to construct national identity? How can we approach design from a post-colonial, ecological and feminist perspective? How do designers think and work? How can the very same object mean different things to different users? What is the future of design?

Design Cultures is one of the tracks of the master's programme in Arts & Culture. Find more information about the other tracks here.

Discover your programme Arts & Culture: Design Cultures

The MA programmme Design Cultures concerns the study of different fields of design, such as product, graphic and fashion design viewed within a broad diverse cultural context. We focus on the cultural and ecological implications of design, its social meanings, design critique, the role of the designer, and cultures of production, sale and consumption.

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