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Learn how power works

How well will the European Union be able to withstand the rising tide of populism? How can we ensure that countries and companies tackle climate change? What influence do technological developments have on politics?

During the Bachelor of Political Science: Global Politics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, you will work on issues large and small, study political power relations, and investigate their impact on society.

Would you prefer to follow this programme in Dutch? Take a look at the Politicologie specialisation Mondiale Politiek.

More information about the bachelor Political Sciene: Global Politics?
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Discover your Political Science study programme

During the Bachelor of Political Science programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, you will study how societies are organised politically and at what level decisions are made. You will delve into topics such as the power and powerlessness of the EU and the influence of new media. In our close-knit, yet international community, you have ample freedom to choose the scale on which you want to change the world.

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Change your world, study Political Science: Global Politics

Studying at VU Amsterdam

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