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The Mindful Library's collection

Delving into mindfulness and meditation? Find books that inspire in the University Library's digital and physical collections.

The Mindful Library: The Library
The Mindful Library is located on the 12th floor of the University Library in the Main Building. Every month a Mindful Meetup takes place, where we explore a new form of meditation together, for example in response to a performance in the art gallery, a social event or a central theme. Do you not only want to get started with meditation, but also learn more about the philosophies behind it? Then at the Mindful Library you can use the University Library's lending system, where hundreds of books on mindfulness can be found. 

Digital and Physical Collection

The information specialists at the UB have already made a selection of the most inspiring books for you. Quickly check out the digital collection or/and the physical collection. You can borrow the books through the University Library's lending system or find a comfortable spot and read the books in the UB. Would you like to borrow a physical book from the Mindful Library? Then use your membership card to do so. As a student, you can activate your student card as a borrowing card at the service desk on the first floor of the UB.