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Sustainability Day

Sustainability Office VU is seizing Tuesday, 10 October, the national Day of Sustainability in Higher Education, to bring the theme of sustainability to the attention of all VU employees, from students to employees to scientists, in a special way.

On that day, you are welcome to attend (parts of) an inspiring and interactive day programme including, among others, workshops, an initiative market, a seminar on citizen assemblies and a presentation by keynote speaker prof dr. ir. Arjen Wals on the Whole School Approach. The programme will last from 9.00 - 18.00 (including closing drinks) and is organised by Sustainability Office VU. 

The theme of this first edition is 'bring the action'. With this, we want to encourage the VU community to actively contribute to a more sustainable university, but also show what we are already doing, discuss it and see together where we can improve. We believe that acting together helps us move forward towards a better world. 

9:00 am - 12:00 pm: Various interactive workshops
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Students Speaking Up @ 3D - Spoken word and music over vegan lunch
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Seminar on climate citizen assemblies
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Keynote prof dr. ir. Arjen Wals & Official Launch Sustainability Office VU
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Drinks & Initiative market 

Sustainable exchange
The entire day, you can swap an old book for a new one at the University Library. You will also have the opportunity to swap an item of clothing during the initiative market at the Green Office's clothing swap stand in Atrium, NU-building.

You can register for the event via this registration form