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Global Migration Law Hub

The Global Migration Law Hub (GMLH) provides a dynamic forum of interaction for all stakeholders in the field of global migration law to debate issues and challenges related to the functioning of the global migration law system.

The GMLH is an initiative of the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law of the VU University Amsterdam. The GMLH brings together academics, practitioners, civil society, international and regional organizations and United Nations treaty bodies for the purpose of discussing issues and challenges concerning the functioning of the global migration law system. Based on academic and policy-oriented research in the field of global migration law, the GMLH works to enhance the cross-fertilization between the work of all involved stakeholders by enabling them to be better connected and, hence, advance human rights of migrants worldwide. 

The GMLH functions as a Knowledge Hub, Cross-fertilization Lab, and as a Training Forum. Please see the sections below for more specific information. 


  • Knowledge Hub

    GMLH supports the global community through informing ongoing global migration processes via academic and policy-oriented research and publications.  

    Our publications 

    • Arbaoui, Younous, and Amina Semaoui. 2024. "Global Migration Law in Tunisia: The Potential of the Global Compact for Migration to Support the Ratification of the United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers Rights" Laws 13, no. 6: 73. 📥 Download the article here.
    • Arbaoui, Younous. 2024. Summary Report of The International Roundtable on Global Migration Law in the European Union. 24.11.2023. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 📥 Download the summary report here.
    • Bast, Jürgen, Endres de Oliveira, Pauline, & Janna Wessels. 2024. Enhancing the Rights of Protection-seeking Migrants through the Global Compact for Migration: the Case of EU Asylum Policy. International Journal of Refugee law 35 no. 4: 461-474. 📥
    • Bast, Jürgen, Wessels, Janna and Farahat, Anuscheh. 2024. The Dynamic Relationship Between the Global Compact for Migration and Human Rights Law. MenschenRechtsMagazin 29 no: 1, 23-43. 📥
    • Atak, Idil, Grundler, Maja, Endres de Oliveira, Pauline, Bast, Jürgen, Guild, Elspeth, Maple, Nicholas, Vanyoro, Kudakwashe, Wessels, Janna and Jona Zyfi. 2023. Reviewing the reviews: the Global Compacts' added value in access to asylum procedures and immigration detention. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5, Article 1264942. 📥
    • Arbaoui, Younous. 2022. The Impact of the Marrakech Compact for Migration in Morocco: The Role of the Government and of Civil Society. Verfassung in Recht und Ãœbersee 55, Nr. 1 (1. January): 19–43. doi:10.5771/0506-7286-2022-1-19 📥 Download the article here.


    • Podcast discussion with Edgar Corzo Sosa, a committee member of the Committee on Migrant Workers, concerning the International Convention on Migrant Workers (CMW), the Committee for Migrant Workers, and its partnership with the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). The file is available for download here.
  • Cross-fertilization Lab

    Thee GMLH allows the cross-fertilization of ideas and agendas between national, regional and international stakeholders and networks and between global migration processes. To this aim, the GMLH holds a variety of events (online and in person), such as conferences, webinars, seminars, expert roundtables and meetings addressing topical issues related to global migration law. These events involve multi-stakeholders and academics from all parts of the world working in the field of global migration law. 


    • Global Rights-Making Network
      • The "Making Rights Reality: The Human Rights of Undocumented Migrant Workers" conference was held from 17 to 19 June 2024 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, organized by the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law (ACMRL). During this conference, participants established the Global Rights-Making Network. The network aims to prepare international shadow reports on undocumented migrant workers' rights to accompany national reports submitted to the United Nations. The inaugural online meeting of the Global Rights-Making Network took place in November 2024, bringing together 44 participants from five continents. As its first project, the network will contribute to the 2026 International Migration Review Forum, a quadrennial event in New York focusing on the Global Compact on Migration.

    Past Events

    1. UN Expert Consultation on Public Policies to Address Xenophobia and its Impact on Human Rights in Brussels
    2. Expert Meeting on the CERD-CMW Joint General Recommendation/Comment on Public Policies for Addressing Xenophobia and its Impact on Human Rights at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Find more information here.
    3. International Roundtable at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Global Migration Law in the EU

      The Roundtable, held on 24 November 2023, explored the impact of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the International Convention on Migrant Workers (CMW) on European migration law. More information can be read here.

      Please see the Summary of the Roundtable as well as PowerPoint presentations from the roundtable sessions.
  • Training Forum

    The GMLH builds the capacity of policy makers, civil society, practitioners, and other stakeholders on the global migration law system, its use and its impact on various policy and advocacy areas, by offering practical training courses on the work and functioning of global migration law.

    Our work:

    1. Student Research Programme in collaboration with the United Nations Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (CMW)
      • The Student Research Programme provides a unique opportunity for students of our Masters ‘International Migration and Refugee Law’ (IMRL) to apply their academic knowledge in a practical setting while supporting the important work of the UN CMW, giving them a hands-on role in global migration governance. It is a particularly valuable experience for students with an interest in migration law, human rights and international law-making. Find further information here.

Our Partners

  • United Nations’ Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW)

    The Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW) is the body of independent experts that works to protect the rights of the millions of migrant workers around the world. 

    For more information, please visit their website.

  • Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS), American University Cairo

    The Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS) is a multidisciplinary regional center of graduate education, research, and outreach on international Migration at the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP). It works on establishing linkages between education and research by building the capacity of students and young researchers to create a pool of qualified researchers and practitioners in refugee and migration from the region.

    For more information, please visit their website.

  • Center For Global Studies (CGS), Univérsité International Rabat

    The Centre for Global Studies (CGS) is part of the College of Social Sciences and, as its name suggests, is dedicated to global studies, focusing on research activities linked to sectoral priorities in collaboration with partnerships. 

    For more information, please visit their website.

  • The Association Clinique Juridique Hijra Maroc (CJHM)

    The Clinique Juridique Hijra (CJH) association was created in September 2015 by a group of young legal researchers and students in Tangier. 

    For more information, please visit their website.

  • Centre for European Law and Internationalisation (CELI), University of Leicester

    The Centre for European Law and Internationalisation (CELI) unites researchers focused on diverse aspects of European law and internationalisation trends, such as global trade and human rights. It fosters academic research, including postgraduate studies, organizes seminars and conferences, and welcomes visitors aiming to conduct research in this field.

    For more information, please visit their website

  • Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (Institute for legal Research), UNAM University in Mexico

    The Institute aims to contribute to the solution of social and political problems related to national and international legal phenomena. Its work is particularly focused on the study, teaching, promotion and knowledge of phenomena of legal relevance. To achieve this, it carries out comparative and interdisciplinary research, which enables it to generate and distribute expert knowledge of academic excellence.

    For more information, please visit their website.

  • Network on Migration and Global Mobility of the University of Antwerp (MIGLOBA)

    The Network on Migration and Global Mobility (MIGLOBA) at the University of Antwerp is an interdisciplinary platform that brings together researchers working on migration and global mobility. It aims to foster academic dialogue and collaboration between researchers, policy-makers and civil society, addressing the multiple impacts of migration on social welfare, education, labour markets, health care, housing, media and political representation. 

    For more information, please visit their website.

  • Everaert Advocaten - Immigration Lawyers

    Everaert Advocaten is recognised nationally and internationally as one of the leading firms in migration law in the Netherlands.

    For more information, please visit their website.

Would you like more information or have any further questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us


  • Younous Arbaoui
  • Assistant Professor
  • Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law
mr. dr. Younous Arbaoui

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