The roundtable first aims to discuss the added value of the Compact and the Convention for domestic and EU migration law. In this respect, it asks whether the right-based norms included in the Compact and the Convention are already implemented in national and EU migration law instruments; or, conversely, would the integration of those authoritative instruments mean a complete transformation in national and EU immigration policies? The discussion will focus on three key issues related to irregular migration, namely: access to basic services, decent work, and legal pathways. Second, the roundtable aims to establish an update of Member States’ positions toward the Convention and address the issue of ratification-competence in the post-Compact area.
The roundtable involves the following participants:
- UN Network on Migration
- UN Committee on Migrant Workers
- International Organisation for Migration,
- European Commission (DG Home),
- EU Parliament,
- European Economic and Social Committee,
- Dutch ministry of foreign affairs,
- Portuguese Minister of foreign affairs,
- Municipality of Amsterdam
- Municipality of Utrecht,
- International and national NGOs,
- Academia
This roundtable is funded by the VU Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (VICES), the municipality of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee law and the VU Faculty of law.
Questions? Please send an email to Younous Arbaoui (organizer), Assistant Professor, VU University Amsterdam (