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Migration and Refugee Law

Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law

The Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law (ACMRL) at VU Amsterdam is one of the largest research centers in the field of migration and refugee law worldwide.

The ACMRL provides a master’s track (LL.M) on International Migration and Refugee Law, that attracts students from all over the world. Research is conducted on a wide variety of topics, including asylum and refugee law and family migration law.

ACMRL is very visible in the public debate, and its scholars are actively participating in advisory committees to the government and non-governmental organizations and publish frequently on, where topical migration law issues are explained for a broader public. The research group provides yearly bachelor courses on migration law and human rights. 

Part of the master's track is the Migration Law Clinic, that provides high-quality and independent legal advice on complex issues in the field of European migration law to external clients such as (practicing) lawyers and non-governmental organisations. In addition, different members are involved in postgraduate courses for practising lawyers, through the VU Law Academy, and for the Dutch judiciary, through SSR (Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary).

More about ACMRL

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