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Climate Impacts

Extreme weather events, sea level rise, ecosystem changes, and hazards to human health are just a few of the many ways global warming affects life on Earth. To ensure the resilience and well-being of the environment and society in the face of a changing climate, CEC researchers at VU Amsterdam explore solutions to mitigate and adapt to these impacts.

Wide-ranging study areas by our scientists cover the impact of a strongly warming climate on arctic land-ocean dynamics, how humans cope with the heat and cold, and the effects of population growth on climate change, among others. Climate impact research by our experts aims to provide evidence-based insights into the consequences of climate change linked to the broader society, fostering a better understanding of solutions for building a sustainable and resilient future. 

Are you looking for researchers with specialised expertise in climate impacts? Are you interested in learning more about a specific climate scientist?

Discover our climate impact experts' profiles, links to their research, and feel free to contact them directly via the details below. For other press-related questions, please contact the VU press office.

Too dry? Exploring the severe impacts of drought.

Hydrologist and associate professor Anne van Loon explains the severe impacts of drought around the world, from crop loss and livestock mortality to issues with water drinking supply. The causes and impacts of drought vary across climate regions, thus the importance of region-specific drought solutions.

Climate Impacts Experts

The experts on climate impacts of the VU Climate Expertise Centre analyse the consequences of climate change linked to the broader society and explore solutions to mitigate and adapt to these impacts.

Jeroen Aerts - Full Professor

Expertise: water and climate risk

Wouter Botzen - Full Professor

Expertise: environmental economics, risk, natural disaster insurance

Hein Daanen - Full Professor

Expertise: environmental exercise physiology, human coping with heat and cold

Nynke Schulp - Associate Professor

Expertise: land use, environmental geography

Anne van Loon - Associate Professor

Expertise: water and climate risk

Sander Veraverbeke - Associate Professor

Expertise: (boreal) forest fires, terrestrial ecosystems, earth & climate

Veronica Lupi - Assistant Professor

Expertise: climate change and population dynamics