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Climate System

The atmosphere, oceans, land surfaces, and ice on Earth are all part of a complex network determining our planet's long-term weather patterns. How can we understand and predict the delicate balance of these interconnections to address the challenges of climate change? How does human activity influence this?

Our scientists explore the effects of climate change on ecological processes on Earth, how CO2 impacts our planet, and possible solutions. Some topics of research range from predicting extreme weather conditions due to climate change to in-depth analyses of how the oil and gas industry contributes to global warming. They explain climate research through examples, linking to societal issues and current discussions.

Are you looking for researchers with specialised expertise in the climate system? Are you interested in learning more about a specific climate scientist?

Discover our climate system experts' profiles, links to their research, and feel free to contact them directly via the details below. For other press-related inquiries, please get in touch with the VU press office.

What is happening to the Arctic Permafrost?

Permafrost expert and associate professor Jorien Vonk together with fellow researchers Fleur van Crimpen and Lina Madaj investigate what happens to permafrost material in eroding coastlines. Permafrost contains organic matter that through rising temperatures can turn into carbon.

Climate system news

Can scientists be activists?

Can scientists be activists?

Can scientists be activists, or should they remain neutral? And what does 'neutrality' mean in the face of an ever-growing climate crisis with scientific facts and figures to spare? 

In this part of the podcast series 'Climate Breakdown', VU associate professor Mathieu Blondeel discusses this topic with VU professor of physics Davide Iannuzzi, Chief Impact Officer at VU University Amsterdam. 

Listen to the episode

See also

Climate System Experts

The climate system experts of the VU Climate Expertise Centre analyse how the climate system works, the effects of climate change and what solutions are in reach to regain a healthy planet.

Dim Coumou - Full Professor

Expertise: water and climate risk, extreme weather

Sander Houweling - Full Professor

Expertise: greenhouse gases (GHGs), carbon monoxide, emissions, fossil fuel, biomass burning, climate change

Didier Roche - Full Professor

Expertise: climate variability, paleoclimatology, holocene

Bart van den Hurk - Professor

Expertise: water and climate risk, land surface modelling, climate interactions with the socio-ecological system

Dr. Jorien Vonk

Associate Professor

Jorien Vonk

Roxana Petrescu - Research Associate

Expertise: earth and climate, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)