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prof. dr. Hein Daanen

Full Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Physiology

Full Professor, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute

Full Professor, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, AMS - Sports

Personal information

Hein graduated in 1984 in Human Movement Sciences at VU Amsterdam specialized in exercise physiology. He worked for TNO (Dutch Organisation of Applied Scientific Research) for 26 years and occupied an endowed chair in Thermal Physiology at VU since 2003. Since 2016 he is full professor in (environmental) exercise physiology, heads the physiology group and is program director of the master Human Movement  Sciences. 

He publishes mainly on how humans cope with heat and cold and engages in the public debate on these topics. He loves to play basketbal and ride a bike. 

Ancillary activities
  • Sizing Science | Soesterberg | Directeur/eigenaar | 2016-01-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. Hein Daanen